The bravest and most responsible stepmother, there is a saying: where justice cannot reach, there is still a mother!

Domenick 2022-03-23 09:03:13

The film is based on a real time in India. But the real events didn't end so well. But this is very similar to our remake of manslaughter. (Is manslaughter a remake in a remake??) The movie is about a restructured family. The eldest daughter never wanted to see her stepmother. The eldest daughter was sexually assaulted by a classmate and was seriously injured and sent to the hospital, but the murderer did not get the punishment she deserved. Therefore, the stepmother started the story of finding a private detective herself to avenge her eldest daughter.

The stepmother is a very gentle and patient person, even if the eldest daughter has always been very unfriendly to her. She still did her best to her daughter unconditionally, looking forward to the day when her daughter could accept her. Until that incident happened, the stepmother began a personal journey of revenge for her daughter. Women are weak, but mothers are strong. In the face of power, the mother did not give in. She is smart and brave, and she is desperate for her children. Later, the four people who bullied their daughter were punished accordingly. The eldest daughter finally accepted this as a kind and kind stepmother.

Some people say that God created mothers because God cannot be everywhere. Since having a child, she has changed from a little girl who knows nothing to an invincible superwoman. Since then, her heart has been hanging on the child's body.

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