Who is Power Broker?

Alysson 2022-12-08 18:09:28

Things I liked about Episode 3 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The following contains spoilers, watch the episode and then click

1) Madripoor is amazing!

This very famous crime city in Marvel Comics is finally in the MCU. The wealth classification is huge, not under the control of the United Nations, and there are many secret organizations and criminal gangs. There are all kinds of weird people. In such a place, Marvel will not make it appear only once, and I believe it will be used in many places in the future. In the comics, Wolverine has lived here for a long time, and if there is another Wolverine prequel movie, it will be a good background.

The part where Sam pretends to be the gangster with a big smile is hilarious.

2) Zemo is rich!

After Iron Man's sacrifice, still wondering who the next rich man will be? I thought I would have to wait until Mr Fantastic, after all, someone will continue to drive Audi to get sponsorships. Hey, I didn't expect Zemo to show up in Audi first [haha] and take me Dong and Falcon on a private jet. I will fly a private jet for the first time in winter, and my life has finally improved.

3) The Same Notebook!

Falcon confirms in this episode that Captain America and the Winter Soldier use the same notebook. Winter Shield Party, how are we doing? Don't ask Steve when, under what circumstances and why, just give this book, and make up your own mind

4) Sharon Carter is awesome!

In previous interviews, the screenwriter has revealed that Carter will be very different, mysterious and rebellious. We know that her mouth is more damaged than before, but she is also richer than before! Not only has he started to do illegal business in the underworld, but his skills are still extraordinary! Looking forward to more. Thanks for sponsoring the Winter Soldier and Falcon for better looking clothes.

There is still a chance for Ah Mao to take off his shirt, and he can think of his reaction to this paragraph:

check out my chocolate muscle!

5) Who is power broker?

The episode's title is Power Broker, but its identity isn't revealed in the end. It is only mentioned that the scientist was indeed serving the CIA before the ashes, which is likely to make the super soldier serum for General Ross, and has been used in the new Captain America. But later he came to Madripoor after ashes and was funded by Power Broker, but the serum was stolen by Karli. So who exactly is the Power Broker?

There is a good chance that this Power Broker is still working with General Ross, or even still with him or his comrades. But it's not unreasonable to suspect that it's Sharon Carter.

Sharon Carter is hiding here, like the scientist, and happens to be in this episode. And the title of this episode is

Power Broker, is this a coincidence?

Sharon Carter knew the scientist's identity and location as soon as she heard his name. When the scientist was killed by Zemo, she said as she got into the car:

"We have a big problem!"

But I certainly don't want Sharon Carter blackened like that, although she might wish she had a super soldier serum, but is Peggy Carter's niece after all. However, judging from the fact that the villain in #WandaVision# is a woman, Sharon Carter is the big boss and the possibility is not ruled out.

6) Wakanda forever!

White wolves didn't mix in Wakanda!

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