The word count is too much, to write a film review?

Keith 2021-12-02 08:01:26

Lots of good acting. Christian Bale once again transformed himself. Similar style to The Big Short, which can be thought of as "explainer movies": lots of voice over, lots of information being shoved down the audience's throat, while the director still manages to make it entertaining. What I don't feel comfortable about this movie though, is that this movie doesn't leave much space for the watcher to think, because the director has a very strong point of view about the subject matter, and he is presenting it in a matter-of-fact fashion. It doesn't matter if I share his point of view; it just doesn't make it an engaging movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Arielle 2022-04-21 09:02:03

    It's so boring, the editing is annoying. What do you expect from shady polititians. Of course Bell's acting skills are beyond doubt. Amy Adams is also very distressed.

  • Lloyd 2022-04-23 07:02:00

    Ask the director to make "The President", it feels better

Vice quotes

  • Male News Anchor: Love is the only human emotion you can't fake.Except women. And thank God they can.

  • Lynne Cheney: My sweet Richard. Dance'd nimbly round the king's hearth thou hath. Even whilst clamored I for more, more! Parched maw craned towards the drip, drip of imagined waters. But I say to you now, rest, retire. Thou hast honored thy vows to wife and crown.

    Dick Cheney: Has blindness usurped vision in you, my wife? No mere treaty is our union. Thou shared thy torch's flame with mine. Revealing halls and spires of long faded empires. And now, I may hold aloft mine own fiery cresset. And make flesh our bond of power.

    Lynne Cheney: Dare I? Dare I let hope's beak place gathered bramble upon my heart for future's nest? Many winters past hath I let this hope die, cruel winds silencing tiny birds' needy cries. Now that it hath arrived, I say yea. Mine own blood and will are yours 'til pierced be the last soldier's breastplate, spilling forth its ruby jelly treasures.