Although it looks like instant noodles

Vallie 2021-11-17 08:01:28

Lindsay watched two movies Mean Girls Freaky
trance back to high school age rude awakening is already the passage of youth
are typical American happy
for viewing at low tide a little
silly music journeying laugh
confession before the toast even tears Wandering in your eyes,
you can say that it is clichéd or even old-fashioned,
but the mother-daughter performance of the daughter’s confession is
not open and affectionate.
This proves the simplest reason.
Transposition thinking. Maybe the beautiful results will be reflected in each other. eyes
though like instant noodles
to eat very often
but have to say taste good

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Extended Reading
  • Maynard 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    When Lindsay Lohan was young, she was really cute. Every time I saw her movie, I felt sorry for it.

  • Gloria 2021-11-17 08:01:28

    Alas, what a pity, how cute the lindsay lohan of this show is, what a pity now...

Freaky Friday quotes

  • Anna (in Tess's body): Like cooking: I mean, have you never heard of takeout? And cleaning: let's don't and say we did. Quality time with your kids: You know what? Quit bugging 'em. Leave 'em alone. They like it!

  • Anna (in Tess's body): Let's just say this cute guy asks you out. What are you gonna do? WOOOH.