The Streets of Fear Trilogy: Shattering Adaptation of RL Stein's Original

Palma 2022-12-18 04:37:34

Spoiler alert, don't watch it yet! !

After watching the first part, I wanted to spray it, but then I thought about it, maybe the two will come back, and the result...

This series of movies is by far the most unrecognizable movie adaptation of all the novels I've seen so far, bar none! ! !

Because some novel adaptations that have been sprayed into crumbs by the original book more or less retain some of the character names, plot settings or storylines of the original book. Just to give an example, such as the ghost-blowing lantern "Nine-Story Demon Pagoda", which was sprayed into crumbs, at least Hu Bayi is still called Hu Bayi, hasn't he changed his name?

However, this "Street of Fear" trilogy movie, from the background setting, characters to the storyline, are all original movies, and none of them are from the original book. none! ! !

Although, the "Street of Fear" series was first published in the United States in 1989, and it has been more than 30 years so far; there is no Chinese translation in China, so whether it is in the United States, China, or other places in the world, there are basically no What a fan of the original work, so it provided a very good stage for the director and screenwriter's magic transformation.

But this series is RL Stein's own son. Stein mentioned in an interview that after the Fear Street series was published in 1989, it sold well. However, this series has a lot of bloody and violent content. The main target audience is teenagers aged 15 to 18. The horror novel market for children aged 9 to 12 was still blank at that time. So Stan's editor urged Stan to write a series of horror novels for children between the ages of 9 and 12. Stan felt that writing horror novels for children was nonsense, and he refused in every possible way. In the end, he was forced by the editor to write three books - yes, these three books are the "Goosebumps" that made Stan really squeeze into the international super best-selling author. The first three volumes of the series. Therefore, Fear Street is Stan's own son, and the familiar goose skin is an accidental product...

original cover

In the first and third movies, the original book was used as a prop to block the knife for the protagonist

Closer to home, let’s talk about how the three “Fear Street” movies are shattering adaptations of Stan’s original:

1. Shadyside and Fear Street

There are more than 50 books in the original "Street of Fear", all of which take place in a fictional town called Shadyside in Ohio, USA. There is a street in this town called Fear Street. Rumored to be cursed with a vicious curse, haunted and murdered, the town's inhabitants shunned it.

This is the setting of the first magic change in the movie: the cursed one in the original is Fear Street, but the cursed one in the movie has become the whole town of Shadyside. And Fear Street, the title of the movie series, is not mentioned at all in the movie. Only a few scenes have been taken in one stroke, and the name has been changed to Fier Street (this involves another point of magic change, and I will talk about it later)

FIER STREET in the movie

In almost every book in the original, all the teenagers in Shadyside have complained that Shadyside is a ghost place, and there is no pride in this place. However, in the movie, a rival town, Sunnyville, was originally created, and then a set of town confrontation plots was created. The setting of Shadyside residents was magically changed, and the teenagers in Shadyside were set to love Shadyside very much, and their sense of belonging to Shadyside was overwhelming. (???). Sunnyville's metaphor in the movie is the majority group in the real world, such as heterosexuality; and Shadyside, which has been widely controversial and has been in constant negative news, has become a metaphor of a sexual minority in the movie. Then the three movies spent a lot of space depicting the confrontation between the two town residents, to fit this metaphor of the sexual majority vs the sexual minority, but there is no such content in the original book. If you make an original movie to speak for the lgbt community, that's great; but it's really speechless to sell dog meat under the guise of Stan's novel...

2. The magic change of the background setting: the witch hunt plot of the third part and the reversal of Sheriff Goode and Sarah Fier

First of all, as I just said, all the characters in these three films, from the protagonists to the supporting characters to the villains, without exception, are all original movie characters. There are no such characters as Nick Goode, Solomon Goode, and Sarah Fier in the original book.

However, the original book does have two families, the Goode family and the Fier family, and there is also a plot about witch hunts. This plot is the origin story of Fear Street, and Stan has written three books: The Fear Street Origins Trilogy. These three books mainly describe why the Street of Fear was cursed and turned into a place full of murder and paranormal events.

Stein's "Street of Fear" Origins Trilogy

The story begins in Colonial New England in 1694 (not 1666 in the film). The eldest son of the powerful Fier family in the colony and the daughter of the poor family Goode developed a forbidden relationship. The elders of the Fier family were firmly opposed to this relationship, so they forged a series of evidence to frame the daughter and mother of the Goode family as witches. In the end, both "witches" were burned to death under the watchful eyes of angry villagers. At this time, the father of the Goode family returned from official duties and saw his wife and daughter die in the fire with his own eyes. Then the plot took a Stan-style twist. The father of the Goode family was a wizard, and his wife and daughter were just ordinary people who were framed. The Goode's father cast the most vicious curse on the Fier family. For the next three hundred years, every descendant of the Fier family, without exception, died tragically. The descendants of the Fier family moved to the town of Shadyside. In order to get rid of the curse, they changed their family's surname Fier to Fear, but in the end they were cursed and destroyed. In order to commemorate the Fear family who have made many contributions to the town, the Shadyside people named a street in the town Fear Street. Who knew that the curse was transferred from one family to this street. This is the origin of Fear Street.

The third film, 1666, obviously borrowed some elements of this plot, but the director stuffed the private goods and changed the underground love between the Fier family and the Goode family into a homosexual relationship between the original character Sarah Fier and another girl, and then The Goode family, who was clearly a victim in the original book, was written as a villain (although the curse in the movie was cast by the Goode family, but the nature has completely changed, from the winter of revenge for the wife and daughter to the Fier family, to pure evil thoughts , Sarah Fier, who represents the crime-laden Fier family in the original book, has become an innocent good person). In the end, it became the old-fashioned Western-style "human rights/equal rights" theme, and the lgbt group defeated the old white male villain... Then because the plot of the later generations of the Fier family was not filmed, including changing the surname, Fear Street was completely wiped out, and finally there was only one left. Down Fier Street...

3. The characters and plot are completely original

Although the "Goosebumps" movie next door is also a purely original plot, it pulled out a few monsters from the original book, and then wrote RL Stein himself as a character-filled scene.

However, all the leading and supporting characters in the "Street of Fear" movie are original. All the killers in the movie are all original to the movie, all of them. The LGBT theme of the film is original. The plots of all three films are also original. Not a single one is in the original, not a single one.

Sarah Fier is original. The fact that she was hanged is original (the witch in the original book was burned to death), so the hanging tree is original. The setting of her body and hands is original. The killer has an immortal body, and the setting that he will be summoned repeatedly by resurrection is original. The killer will only kill people who have Sarah's blood. The setting is original. That underground witchcraft base is original. The stele with the name engraved on it is original. Nick Goode's way of turning ordinary people into killers is original. That mall called Shadyside Mall is an original.

So what's in the original?

Like I just mentioned, the names of the Fier family and the Goode family are in the books. And then the name of the second Camp Nightwing is in the book. Nothing else, no more, no more. All are original movies.

The second part of Camp Nightwing is from this book. However, the plot of the book has nothing to do with the movie. The book tells the story of a killer at a summer camp who leaves a pink feather after an "accident". The book has absolutely nothing to do with the axe gang murderer in the movie.

The director and screenwriter borrowed the name of the original book, made three original movies, stuffed a bunch of zzzq's private goods, and made Stan's original work as a wedding dress for political propaganda in Hollywood.

What is selling dog meat with a sheep's head? This is called selling dog meat with a sheep's head.

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