People can't live in the moment, so hope is created

Andre 2022-03-23 09:02:34

I understand the logic of this movie after reading the film review. For me, it is a very special technique. I understand that a young man with low self-esteem and loneliness has lived his whole life in loneliness, and he is depressed until his old age. Unhappy and hesitant, he hated himself so much that he thought he was a pig with maggots in his stomach, so he fantasized about another ideal life of his own. In that life, he found his ideal girlfriend and brought her back together. I saw my parents who made me feel inferior. In this picture, it can be seen that even if it is a picture of my own fantasy, I can't get rid of the inferiority in the male protagonist's bones. After all, we can't get rid of the shackles of our own thoughts. His parents, while imagining that his girlfriend kept saying that he wanted to leave here, took his girlfriend to buy his favorite ice cream, and at the same time imagined that the girls selling ice cream were mocking him. . . . . In this way, the male protagonist who is about to die ends all this in his fantasy. The reason why I find it special is because I often fantasize about some scenes that did not happen, such as the scene with my future boyfriend from acquaintance to marriage to having a child, to fire and salt, and there will be dialogues in it. How the bridge section should be designed will be better. Now suddenly you find someone helping you turn the thoughts in your mind into a movie, you are not surprised. But next time, you can change the angle, an ordinary guy about 23 years old, fantasize about his romantic and beautiful life, beautiful wife, lovely children, healthy parents, successful career, life is sweet and beautiful, and at the end of the movie, As soon as the picture changed, the young man had turned into a 50-year-old uncle, with a big beer belly, bald hair, wrinkled face, yellowed teeth, greasy, and married an ordinary-looking woman who was as bloated as him. Children drop out of school early, and their parents are old and cannot be taken care of by others. But this doesn't seem to be profound and has no educational significance, except to add a sense of powerlessness and oppression to the audience, harm, whatever

By the way, I really love the filters in the movie, especially in the part of buying ice cream, the filters made of cyan and blue are absolutely incredible. There are two movie scenes that were also shot very well. When the female protagonist Lucy was eating at the male protagonist's parents' house, the camera slowly panned to the right, and slowly left through a wall until only Lucy was sitting in the corner of the table. , that sense of loneliness can be deeply felt across the screen. There is also a scene that follows, the camera is pushed forward until only Lucy is left sitting at the large table, and in the background is a wall decorated with dull green, which is extra large, so large that it can take a person's body. Loneliness is magnified tenfold.

One of my favorite lines in the movie, people can't live in the moment, so they create hope.


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Extended Reading
  • Letitia 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Kaufman's new book "I Want to End It All" finally focuses on the word "want". It reminds you that the completed state of "ending" has never left the artistic kingdom constructed by the hero and heroine's imagination, and then came to the real world. The reason why the heroine has been forbearing and shrinking is obviously because of her own psychology of worrying about gains and losses in love and lack of assertiveness in the value judgment of this relationship. The same is true for the male protagonist. After being judged by his parents' value scale, he also realizes that he has never escaped from his parents' control. When the artist makes artistic concessions, the ego becomes indecisive, and there is a high risk of walking into unpredictable horror circles. In fact, this absurd atmosphere has been spreading and spreading. The film has been emphasizing the tension in the relationship between the sexes and the inescapability of the present time and space. If Nolan's Creed renounces temporality because of the functionality of art, then Kaufman uses the futility of art to finally recall the ephemeral but eternal dance of the relationship between the sexes. Assuming this is Kaufman's last work, his predictions of the future are cold, dark and known.

  • Cristina 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    "But it's not a 2 hour 35 minute movie that's too dizzying to just moan. Those details are meant to establish the morbid nature of each character around the protagonist, thus showing its isolation, but those moments of detail are very Powerless, hypocritical. I don't know if the characters don't know what they're doing or the director doesn't know what he's doing?" Charlie Kaufman taunted Cassavetes at your level...

I'm Thinking of Ending Things quotes

  • Janitor: What does your boyfriend look like?

    Young Woman: It's hard to describe people. It was so long ago, I barely remember. I mean... We never even talked, is the truth. I'm not even sure I registered him. There's a lot of people. I was there with my girlfriend... We were celebrating our anniversary, stopped in for a drink, and then this guy kept looking at me. It's a nuisance. The occupational hazard of... of being a female. You can't even go for a drink. Always being looked at. He was a creeper! You know? And I remember thinking, I wish my boyfriend was here. Which is... That's sort of sad, that being a woman, the only way a guy leaves you alone is if you're with another guy. Like, if... like... like you've been claimed. Like you're property, even then. Anyway, I can't... I can't remember what he looks like. Why would I? Nothing happened. Maybe it was just... I think it was just... Just one of thousands of such non-interactions in my life. It's like asking me to describe a mosquito that bit me on an evening 40 years ago. Well, you haven't seen anyone fitting that description, have you?

  • The Voice: It's not bad, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're just a pig, or, even worse, a pig infested with maggots. Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, right? It might as well be you. It's the luck of the draw. You play the hand you're dealt. You make lemonade. You... you move on. You don't worry about a thing.