not so bad

Jacklyn 2022-03-21 09:01:41

Recently, I watched the Villeneuve version of Dune first, and then watched the old version. It is said that the old version is quite thunderous, and some places are indeed a bit unfinished. But it is worth affirming that, from an artistic point of view, this movie is really amazing. Full of futuristic imagination. The whole movie is full of steampunk style. That bright color scheme is very bold. Orange hair and green clothes are all master collocations. Sensory stimulation is everywhere. Many of the scenes are surrealistic sets and paintings. There is still a lot to offer. My full score is for art, excluding others.

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Dune quotes

  • Baron Harkonnen: What does Leto say, Piter?

    Piter De Vries: Vendetta, he says, using the ancient tongue. The art of kanly is still alive in the Universe. He does not wish to meet or speak with you.

    Baron Harkonnen: I made my peace gesture. The forms of kanly have been obeyed!

  • Dr. Wellington Yueh: [scanning a body] My message! It's here!