If the elites stop exploiting the bottom layer, they will really die!

Lottie 2021-12-01 08:01:30

Venetian Golden Lion winner "Joker",

Almost half of the topics in the international film circle this year have been contracted.

The problem of social class expressed in the film,

Pulling the audience back to the cruel reality again and triggering deep thinking.

If the purpose of "Joker"

It is to awaken society’s attention to the issue of the gap between the rich and the poor,

Come try to "save the world".

So the "Are you ready" that I'm going to talk about today ,

Is telling you from a more explicit perspective:

"Don't be silly, the world is hopeless!"

The following content involves spoilers

The plot of the film is actually very simple.

The civilian woman Grace married the rich second-generation male Alex,

But on the wedding night, I have to participate in the game at the man’s house.

Only then can I really become a mother-in-law.

The content of the game is to draw a card from a box,

The content of the cards determines what game everyone wants to play together,

If you don’t finish the game,

The whole family will suffer misfortune.

As a result, Grace drew the worst card called "Hide and Seek".

The Alex family immediately armed with live ammunition,

Killing the bride hidden in the mansion before dawn is the end.

Otherwise, the family will be destroyed.

After a night of betrayal and killing,

Grace was still caught by the Alex family to perform the execution ceremony.

However, the sunlight outside the window announces that the game time is over,

The Alex family who failed to complete the mission blew themselves up one after another.

Suffer the penalty of extinction for failing to complete the game.

At first glance, this is an unqualified genre film.

The audience is looking forward to it,

Hope to see the plot of Grace's strong counterattack,

But he fled again and again and was caught,

It's exhausted.

The intensity of the heroine did not meet the expectations of the audience,

And the final turn of defeat is victory,

Rather, it should be attributed to the absurd conditions of victory.

The battle royale atmosphere created in the first half of the film is very good,

But the performance in the second half did not meet the expectations of some viewers.

This is also the main reason why many people do not give high marks.

If you really think about this movie carefully,

The weakness of the heroine,

The brutality of the rich family,

And ridiculous game results,

In fact, they are all serving the theme expression of the entire movie.

The source of everything is the draw box,

This box makes the male owner's family rich and wealthy.

And newcomers have to pay a price if they want to cross classes,

So the game itself,

It's more like a vote for being among the elite.

And what the box itself represents,

It is the entry standard and system for the entire elite class.

Everyone likes you and welcomes you,

But it's not that we want to take you to play, so we can play with us.

If you don’t meet the level of the entire class,

Sorry, you are out of the game.

The heroine Grace represents,

Those in the civilian class who are fortunate enough to cross class.

"Either you die, or we die!"

The personal interests of the hostess,

When conflicts with the interests of the elite represented by the Alex family,

As one of the disadvantaged groups,

Destined to be exploited and oppressed brutally.

In the film, the Alex family is like the elite class in reality,

Possess more abundant material resources (weapons and equipment),

You can crush the opponent at the starting line.

When they are passive,

It will also break the rules of the game (turn on the monitoring device),

Use more unequal conditions to reverse the situation.

And the other people at the bottom who are attached to them,

Like a hungry hound in the front row,

Furiously chasing the owner's prey, doing a favor.

Even the children who seem innocent and innocent,

After receiving class education,

They also take exploitation and oppression for granted.

Grace is like the bottom layer facing class oppression in reality,

Full of anxiety about the surrounding environment.

Every time you resist or run away, you will inevitably suffer trauma.

Calling for help to passers-by, no one cared.

Asking for help from the public sector, the response was a cold kick.

Although relying on the internal disputes of the two hostile camps to escape difficultly,

But soon he was caught back very weakly.

Although from the perspective of genres,

The heroine's weak performance can not arouse the audience's High point.

But in terms of expression and reality,

Did not portray the image of a female warrior who rebounded from the bottom,

Isn't this very true?

The end of the video,

It is the climax of the whole film.

Its daybreak,

When everyone thinks that the punishment mechanism is just a joke,

The Alex family blew themselves one by one, paying the price of the loser.

According to the previous movie viewing routines,

Most viewers will think that the punishment mechanism is bluffing.

Then the Alex family found that everything was so absurd,

So began to reflect, or began to seek forgiveness from the heroine.

Finally, the heroine recognized the essence of the heroine,

Let them be punished by law.

However, this movie did not follow this line of thought.

The game is real, and the rules are real.

The end of the anti routine is to tell you:

There is no such thing as a hand-in-hand reunion,

There is no reward for good and evil,

Stop imagining the hypocritical pity and sympathy of the elites,

If you let it stop the exploitation of the bottom layer,

They will really die!

Correspondingly, if the bottom is allowed to exploit,

The result is also inevitable!

"Joker" borrowed the shell of DC comics to tell the world,

When the gap between the rich and the poor widens, what kind of evil will be born.

And "Are you ready" is based on a ridiculous game,

Take off the hypocritical masks of those who are above them,

Under the mask, there are a series of grim-faced blood basins and mouths.

Such a world,

Are you ready?

View more about Ready or Not reviews

Extended Reading
  • Wyatt 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    There's nothing new in this, there's no brain hole, there's nothing bad about it, and there are only a few laughs that are barely enough, what?

  • Alexandrine 2022-04-23 07:02:01

    Continue to confront the rich and the lack of money on the bright side, so the bad taste of the rich is done by the poor. The cult and the "hide-and-seek" cruelty-killing game split, like a forced ending.

Ready or Not quotes

  • Tony Le Domas: [on finding another servant dead] She's taking us down one by one

    Tony Le Domas: [ranting at his ancestor's portrait] Great fucking going Victor, thanks for working out the clause with the whole family eradication

    Tony Le Domas: [yelling at his family members] You *Don't Fuck* Mr. Le Bail,,, Mr. Le Bail *FUCKS* You!

  • Passing Driver: [driving off after seeing the blood splattered Grace] Get the fuck out of the road!

    Grace: What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking asshole piece of shit little tiny dick licker fucking asshole fucking die!
