"The Gallic Hero": For Zidane

Roselyn 2022-03-21 09:02:53

It turns out that the word boring can be defined by this movie.
Don't think that Alain Delon has retired from the film industry. The old man who is about to turn 73 years old is still as cold as ever. His dark blue eyes - thanks to the director for the close-up, are still charming. But Vanessa Heisler, yes, 20-year-old Vanessa Heisler is eye-catching. She started her modeling career at the age of 14 and knows how to write graceful steps. In some advertisements, we see her sexy and aggressive. Her devilish figure makes men all over the world nervous, and her green eyes fascinate us. It seems that this film was made just for her, wrong, her tenderness, the director does not understand.
Saying this movie is French humor. So what is "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth"?
At that time, the French film master Jacques Tati spent huge sums of money to build "Tati City" on the outskirts of Paris in order to shoot "Game Time", which was the most expensive location in Europe at that time. Now that record has been broken by this film, in Spain, the producers built their "Tati City". 78 million euros is the largest investment in French film history so far, almost the sum of the cost of the first two episodes of the film. The quality of a movie is inversely proportional to capital, and it is the formula that determines the movie.
Five minutes to the end. We can see an interesting evolution of ball games, from tennis, football to basketball, even if not so new, but in a short paragraph its transition is smooth, a bit like a commercial. If 116 minutes is a bit long for you, and you fall asleep before you finish it, then remember to ask your friends to remind you that these five minutes may be worth watching. Just for Zidane. Here, he throws away all unnecessary politeness and shows you the style and skills of a football master. It is no longer like in "Fame With One Goal", where he just smiled and the limelight was all robbed by Beckham.

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