Poet or love?

Jacklyn 2022-03-22 09:02:34

I actually hate the phrase "I'm a poet". It's like a villain who sprays hallucinogens on girls. Think of human nature as having weaknesses. Do you want poets or love? Romance or truth? See the end , There is a feeling of letting go of the big stone in my heart, very good, VERA has not given up love in the end. A woman who has experienced the baptism of years will still mature. At the age of 15, that innocent and simple girl will always grow up one day, we Everyone must face their own changes honestly.

At first glance, they thought it was just a vulgar routine, a triangular chase of two women and one man, and then there was a little man who gave silently. When I finally made up my mind, the play became interesting. Four people, one room, two beds. I always felt that this kind of life was amazing.

In fact, when I saw Willam rushing into the opposite house with ammunition, I was very heartbroken . It's happy. I feel that DYLAN always underestimates the IQ of women. From beginning to end, he let his own desires lead, instigate and enjoy as he pleases. He uses arrogance to cover up the inferiority in his heart, and poetry to cover up his dark emotions .I think, apart from CAT, there will be no woman who can stay by his side and not leave him. Although Willam is always suspicious and not confident enough, but probably because of the real war, he lives It was real and infected with VERA, allowing her to see a world that was different from the narrow and wide world before.

Watching this play, from beginning to end, the emotional conflict between the two heroines is very interesting. From the first time they met The provocation from time to time, the reluctance to say goodbye at the end... Suddenly I feel that the friendship between women is really amazing. Even if you fall in love with the same man, you can also have a deep friendship. I believe that they love each other, surpassing friendship, but not reaching The habit of cutting sleeves. Isn't this very good? Give up the so-called poet and embrace pure friendship. Hold you tightly when you cry, and help you outright when you need help. Very Simple, very pure, this is their love. I

remember when leaving, CAT said to VERA, that is such a smile... Don't let yourself be lonely.
In fact, we all need to let ourselves live true, happy, and happy. No regrets. So, don't let yourself be lonely.

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The Edge of Love quotes

  • Caitlin MacNamara: Hey?

    William Killick: Hay's for horses.

    Caitlin MacNamara: Come for a gallop.

  • William Killick: What have you got against me, Vera Phillips?

    Vera Phillips: You might be dead tomorrow.