We're not lesbians, but you are my lovers

Katrine 2022-10-30 08:52:47

After a winter vacation + a month and a half after school started, I finally finished watching Sex and the city one after another.
The main line of the relationship between men and women, as the main issue discussed in this play, seems to be still ambiguous and entangled at the end and cannot be clearly defined, or that such a problem was originally unclear. Last summer, Stephanie told me that in fact, their American feelings are not as chaotic and complicated as S&TC. Anyway, when I watched it, it was still very objective and dialectical. After all, TV is different from life. It's just that some of the descriptions and ideas in the film are indeed universal phenomena that resonate with people. Although there are such different cultures separated by such a long distance, the disturbances between men and women can still be so similar, which makes people sigh. The magic of creation.
And so is the friendship.
The friendship lines of the four heroines in the film are through and through. The men rotated around like a marquee. But the four of them always depended on and supported each other. Compared with the fragility of the feelings of men and women, the friendship between women is so soft and tough. So at the end Big will say to M, C and S, You're the loves of her life, and a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.

Suddenly I miss my dears.
Although everyone has a different life when they grow up, Chaos is busy in different cities and even countries, without contact for a long time, occasionally catch up on the Internet to catch up on the current situation, come out to meet bitch about or boring or stressful days, nonsense and gossip , talk about your love life, and then go back to the endless hustle and bustle. But you know in your heart that they are all there. No matter what happens, you can turn around and see it. Sometimes you feel helpless and just don't want to disturb or cause trouble, but you know they love you all the time.
This is perhaps the biggest difference between friendship and affection. You don't have to wonder about the other person's attitude towards you, you don't have to worry about whether someone will get hurt, and you don't have to worry about the estrangement and distance that will come from being left out. You will also quarrel. But you can grit your teeth and lose your temper without any scruples, and then the two of you will be reconciled without any influence at all. You can tell them all your thoughts. Naive or vile. Not necessarily to get feedback or opinions. But at least the understanding and unconditional dependence of the attempt can be obtained. You can communicate tacitly. A lot of words do not speak openly to understand. There won't be too many differences in values ​​or issues of position. At any time, there will be no problem of chicken and duck talking.

Maybe our relationship wasn't quite the same as the friendship of the four women in S&TC. But they still make me miss you so much.
I miss the cake and forget-me-nots that Ling ordered me from Uncle Sam across the Pacific Ocean on my 21st birthday.
In the days when I missed my undergraduate degree, Yuan often traveled across Shanghai from Nanhui to Songjiang to see my interdependence and those all-night chats.
I miss the tacit understanding that I am congenial with, and the tacit understanding of exchanging glances, and the pleasure of meeting the opponent when raising the bar.
Miss and Xianxian carry a bag of snacks and take a walk to Bairunfa on a Friday afternoon in the fall.
I miss the mafada set of Wei, the quarrel we had when we were young, and the agreement not to become worldly.
I missed the big white, and when I was still unhappy about the broken glass, I secretly went to buy an identical one for me.
I miss the rice that Qi Yang personally cooked for me every day in the final stage of the postgraduate entrance examination.
I miss the days when Ke came home from school with me.
My dears, I really miss you so much.
Fortunately, there are new acquaintances and companionship around now.
Fortunately, Youjiao can endure my neurotic complaints and the tangle of sadness and sadness. Can be a companion when you are bored. You can play together when you are interested.
Fortunately, Xiaofan shares the same constellation, the same coffee drinking habit and many of the same hobbies.
Fortunately, I still have you who are in love. The words sounded hypocritical, but the feelings are unpretentious interdependence and commitment.

I'm so lucky to have you all.
I'm not a lesbian at all, but for what it's worth, I have to say, that you girls, you are the loves of my life, with or without men.

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Sex and the City quotes

  • Carrie: Your girl is lovely Hubbell.

    Mr. Big: I don't get it.

    Carrie: And you never did.

  • Samantha: Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me.