Good movie that subverts religion

Filiberto 2022-03-22 09:01:50

It turned out that I saw this film at a friend's house. I didn't understand it at first, but it was only after his explanation that I could see the clue. At that time, I just admired the director's extraordinary talent and excluded such nb films. Later, I learned the song "time is on my side" sung by the Rolling Stones there.
I took it out and looked at it again today, and I was very impressed. Just imagine how many people can make time on his side? It is always the few who can discover the truth, and we are often deceived by all kinds of falsehoods. How many people have the power to discover the truth and the courage to face it like Denzel Washington?
No matter how desperate the ending is, I guess the director's intention is to tell us that the truth will never be easily discovered, and this is the environment we live in.

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Fallen quotes

  • Gretta Milano: I believe more is hidden than is seen.

    John Hobbes: Well I believe what I see, but I'm still trying to get my mind around what I just saw.

  • Azazel: [speaking to Hobbes in Syrian Aramaic] I can't get inside you by touch, but even when I can, when I'm spirit, I won't. No. Better I get you for real. I'll fuck you up, down, left, right, coming, going. I'll get so close to you, so close it breaks you. And if that doesn't work, I have other ways. I have so many, many ways.

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