let's go for a walk

Gaston 2022-03-23 09:01:45

Think about it, go to invite a friend, you have never seen him or even heard his voice, let him go for a walk with you, just in different spaces, at the same time, communicate each other through text messages landscape. Really romantic.
She may lazily say: I'm tired, I'm going to sit on the bench and rest for a while.
And I might say, it's so cold, put your clothes too tight!
This is an idea that pops up in my head from time to time, and I've been wondering, why do I think so? Last night, cctv6 watched "Untouchable Lovers" again, only to find out that it started from seeing the male and female protagonists walking in the same space and at different times. The heroine's name is Kate, so I think the girls named Kate are beautiful; the hero's name is Alex, so I changed my name from Wala to Alex, probably I also want to have such a story.
I'm really ashamed to think about it, even if someone really wants to, it can be imagined that I will probably be lazy again. Hehe, how can I make people willing to take a ridiculous walk with me? In the story of the movie, they really went for a walk and met miraculously, looking at the same world and feeling each other's breath, but unfortunately they couldn't touch it.
Well, luckily it's lovers, not love, that can't be touched. Therefore, the men and women in the film finally traveled through time, even if they gave up because of the long wait. Waiting is a sickening disease. Keep waiting and live a good life, because I firmly believe that at the end of the road, she will eventually appear. But then again, does the road really end? Is she really waiting? And even if someone is waiting, is it really you who she is waiting for?
Well, let's go for a walk together.

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The Lake House quotes

  • Kate: Now, tell me did you or did you not write each other?

    Kate's Mother: To your father?

    Kate: No, Clark Gable.

  • Alex: You've got some nice pieces here.

    Simon Wyler: Oh, yeah. Music's fine, music helps. It's like Nietzche says... Life would be...

    Alex: Senseless with music.