Everyone says that the subtitles are bad, I don't know if I am lucky, the version I downloaded is good, I understand it!

Hipolito 2022-03-22 09:01:42

When I scored, I gave 4 stars, which is more conservative, but I actually like this movie very much, although it is full of commercial elements, spaceship + macho + big wave girl + bloodthirsty monster seems to be nothing new, but in the kind of The relatively successful atmosphere creation and the new concept of the cosmic escape environment definitely bring extraordinary psychological stimulation to the viewers. I was very sad when I saw the middle, hehe, because the audience did not know what happened to this spaceship during the development of the story. Now, I have been solving puzzles (the arrangement of this puzzle solving process is a great highlight), and I also helped the protagonist in my mind to speculate what happened to the spaceship. I once thought that the spaceship had lost its course, and that these people would never land , they can only live one day is one day, at that time, they suddenly felt that these people were very sad.... Departure means death, there are not many characters in it, and everyone is like a fragment of a reaction when this world is facing destruction , microcosm, the scene put together by these fragments is very desperate. It feels that human beings are so terrifying in the face of destruction, and the desire to survive can make people fall into the region and become demons.
There is a paragraph explaining what is called deep space amnesia. It seems that the transliteration is called Pandom, which means that because of traveling in a space for a long time, people have a state of self-lost. In an accident in the fictional history of the movie, a crew member ejected 50,000 sleeping people (and some awake) from the spaceship due to deep space amnesia. In the "coffin", I wait for the death of the god of death in the boundless space. Because I will not spoil it, I will only explain the concept of such a term (Note: I misunderstood the spaceship at first, thinking that this spaceship is the only one sent by the earth, in fact It should not be, according to the Pandome incident, it can be judged that humans have been sending colony spacecraft to colonize planets outside the earth).

The conclusion is that the highlight of this movie is not in its subject matter, but in its response to human desperation and the shaping of the puzzle-solving process.

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Extended Reading
  • Clementine 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    There are too many bugs to complain about.

  • Dillon 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Noah's Ark take me away~

Pandorum quotes

  • Payton: Maybe this is a bad time to tell you, but the door is open.

    Bower: Are you fucking kidding me?

    Payton: Ya I'm kidding you.

  • Payton: We call it... pandorum.