The temptation of an affair

Athena 2022-03-23 09:01:57

Affair has an irresistible temptation to a certain extent, it seems to be a devil, as long as you have a little contact with him, it is often inevitable that you will surrender. In "Infidelity", Connie jumped out of a seemingly impeccable marriage, and couldn't help indulging in the excitement and joy of cheating. Lust made her become a drug addict, and she was self-absorbed again and again. On the other hand, it falls into it again and again. Diane Lane's performance runs through the entire film. She keeps tossing between guilt and joy, sometimes with tears, but when she recalls the joyous scene, she can't help but burst into laughter. The level of acting shows this psychological contradiction incisively and vividly.

It is impossible for a person to have two different lives. She began to forget to pick up her son from school, and the housework kept making mistakes, so that her husband began to notice some kind of abnormality. So he had to accept the fact that his wife was deviating from the private detective, and Richard Gere's performance began to develop from here. As a successful middle class, he has a strong ability of self-control, and he has been patient. When he saw Paul, he also kept his gentlemanly manner, but when he saw that the crystal ball quilt he gave to his wife was passed on to Paul, he finally smashed Paul to death under the catalysis of alcohol. Here I always have a question, the crystal ball will kill him all at once, I always feel that it is impossible. In the next paragraph, Richard Gere played a state of panic to a high level.

Here I have to mention the French handsome Olivier Martinez, who plays another actor Paul. I know him from that famous French film "The Cavalry on the Roof". He played a playboy-like character in this film. Although he didn't make too many mistakes, he always felt that letting a young woman in a perfect family cheat like this seemed to lack some fatal temptation.

Here in the film, as the wife discovers the photo and the crystal ball, the couple finally starts to explode with each other, but then they begin to understand that they have always been in love with each other. When the wife burned the photos one by one, the picture returned to the part where she and Paul met in the wind. At that time, if she sat on the TAXI, nothing would happen, but nothing could go back to the past. The rest Need to endure a lot of things. As an honest man, the husband has been in a constant state of panic in the face of the fact that he has killed himself. The film also includes a scene of Richard reading the sacrifice at Easter, which more profoundly reflects the pain of psychological struggle. The final outcome does not seem to be unexpected, embodying the tradition of maintaining morality, and it is impossible to let murderers go unpunished. The film freezes at the final screen, the car is parked there, and the house next to it is lit with the blue light of "POLICE", everything is self-evident.

As a famous erotic film director Adrian Lane, who has filmed "A Tree of Pears and Begonias" and "Peachy Trade", he handled the many sex scenes in the first half of the film very beautifully, but without too much exposure, Really see the foundation. In the second half, it begins to turn into suspicion, suspicion, murder, until the last delicate emotional scene. As far as I am concerned, the film was quite successful, despite the numerous criticisms of the film.

In my life, I actually have a friend who is like Paul in the film. Similar things happened with several young housewives, and they have been hiding it very well. Sometimes I think he's just as impulsive as Paul in the film, but he doesn't seem to get tired of it. In fact, cheating has always been a problem that cannot be seen thoroughly. Don't think that cheating families are only a small part. In fact, when the temptation comes, how many families can resist, many families just did not encounter the impact of the outside world. Although there are cheating incidents, it does not seem to indicate the end of the relationship between husband and wife, but who can forgive each other when faced with it, it is not that life continues like a movie.

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Unfaithful quotes

  • Edward Sumner: You *talk* about me?

  • Connie Sumner: Talk to me. Tell me what you did.

    Edward Sumner: No, you tell me what you did! How you fucked him over and over and over, you lied to me over and over and over.

    Connie Sumner: Edward, please.

    Edward Sumner: No, you don't talk to me now. I gave everything... for this family. Everything... and what did you do? You threw it all away like it was nothing. For what? To a fucking kid! You didn't think I'd know? I wouldn't feel it? I knew it from the very first day! Because I know you, Connie. I know you, and I fucking hate you! I didn't want to kill him, I wanted to kill you!

    Connie Sumner: [pauses] Oh, my God.