Who is brainwashed?

Thomas 2022-03-23 09:02:27

After two o’clock one night, I actually discussed politics with a group of angry youths in a hardware group. Because they put forward some different views (in fact, they just didn’t believe in the so-called perfect West), they were called brainwashed and laughed at. Someone actually said, "The American emperor is coming to liberate, and I will lead the way with them" I ⊙﹏⊙b Khan~!
"Food Inc" (Food Inc) was first introduced in TLF, and the recommendation of TLF friends has always been the vane of my movie watching.
In the first 30 minutes, I thought it was just that under the current conditions of industrial production, the safety of food was sacrificed in order to maximize profits. With the continuous disclosure of the major multinational groups' squeeze on the bottom labor force and their ambition to monopolize the food chain, I gradually realized the director's good intentions. On the surface, monopoly groups pursue interests, but consumers who know the truth have no way to appeal. This leads to the fact that the entire country has long been controlled by a few monopoly groups, which is the true face of capitalism. A farmer who has always insisted on traditional production said: "The goddess of justice holds a steel scale in her hand. Whoever throws more money into it represents justice...".
The process is like this: multinational companies have a series of production patents for such crops because they have developed a certain improved gene, so farmers who want to grow their own seeds (pure natural food) have to risk their own planting. The risk of being sued (litigate with a multinational group, think about the consequences for yourself). In desperation, most farmers can only buy the seeds of the monopoly group, and then are forced to accept a series of unequal conditions until the investment becomes larger and larger, and they become more and more inseparable from the group, and eventually become the victims of monopoly interests. As for meat products, because of the poor working conditions, monopoly groups hire a large number of illegal workers from Latin American countries every year, and the Immigration Bureau arrests more than a dozen every month to prove that they are not taking money for nothing and not working. In fact, behind the scenes No one related to the monopoly group was arrested. From the Ministry of Agriculture to the Food and Drug Administration, and food regulatory agencies, high-level executives have long been infiltrated by monopoly groups, and consumers have long lost the right to choose...
In the good, democratic West, as long as you have the money and you can best your interests, you have a say in the country. The so-called democracy is just a pretense. As immigration continues to grow, globalization is increasingly hurting a country's economy, Argentina is a good example - Monsanto's soybeans have completely taken over the country's production, as long as the United States is not happy , the whole of Argentina is about to mourn. The close integration of monopoly groups and state machinery is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Economic interests are always the highest principle, and behind national policies are often the greedy desires of major financial groups.
In any country, there is no equality. The so-called freedom and democracy behind the so-called dirty inside story are often unknown. Everything glorified by the media has quickly occupied all kinds of NC people who are not strong in independent thinking ability like a virus. So, in the end, who was brainwashed?

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Food, Inc. quotes

  • Michael Pollan: The idea that you would need to write a book telling people where their food came from is just a sign of how far removed we've become. It seems to me that we're entitled to know about our food: who owns it, how are they making it, can I have a look in the kitchen?

  • Joel Salatin: We have allowed ourselves to become so disconnected and ignorant about something that is as intimate as the food that we eat.