Veronica decided to die and I decided to buy lottery tickets

Bill 2022-03-23 09:03:12

It makes sense for the movie to set Veronica to be 30 years old instead of 24 years old in the original book. Maybe the director and screenwriter do not believe that a 24-year-old girl with no complicated background will see through life to the point where "there are no more new things" , and 30 years old is a threshold from innocence to sophistication. With today's fresh nouns, it is also called leftover women and mature women.

But you will all be mistaken. Veronica of Coelho is not a material girl living in a bustling metropolis. In order not to spend the night with her boyfriend, she deliberately rents a monastery dormitory that needs to observe the access control time. She could have done more challenging work but she ended up opting for the immutable work of the library because of its stability. She doesn't see through the world, but she is very smart. She has a sharp understanding of the cycle of life. No one can get rid of it. Depression in adolescence.

Stop repeating those unsolved questions that Veronica was entangled in her heart. While reading, I wondered if these sentences did not flow out of my heart, but were just written in the book. So I can gradually understand that this age setting is also applicable to leftover female sisters who are physically and mentally exhausted. How should we deal with the obvious huge questions and crises in life and walk to the grave with peace of mind. The wise man paused and said first. Let’s talk about it after walking, the persistent people are still unwilling to act at the intersection, and those who don’t like to think are even more enviable and easy to walk~~

Said so many things related to age, they all say that the state comes from the heart, because do i mind? Even if I don't care, there are always people who care, such as my family, my friends, even my netizens, blind date objects, and my lover. Everyone seems to have reasons to care, and for me, I love my age as much as I love the life experiences it carries. This kind of attitude is often awe-inspiring, and they seem to think that you have been going around for so many years, don't settle down and let your family and friends feel at ease, you should be proud of it.

Veronica decided to die because she was depressed for too long and let everything go, like she didn't even want to argue and fight back for fear of retribution. And once she realized that she really had very little left, she suddenly no longer feared any unknown consequences with the attitude of certain death, and she began to dare to try, and these attempts began to give her the courage to survive. Sometimes you just think you're too weak to fight back.

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Veronika Decides to Die quotes

  • Edward: How do you feel?

    Veronika: Like I could live forever.

  • Veronika: [first lines]

    Veronika: Well, let's see. After you decide that I'm depressed, or whatever, you'll put me on meds, right? Well I know hundreds of people on them and they're all doing just fine. Really. I'll go back to work on my new anti-depressants, have dinner with my parents and persuade them I'm back to being the normal one who never gives them any trouble. And one day some guy will ask me to marry him. He'll be nice enough. That'll make my parents very happy. The first year we'll make love all the time, and in the second and third less and less. But just as we're getting sick of each other, I'll get pregnant. Taking care of kids, holding onto jobs, paying mortgages, It'll keep us on an even keel for a while. Then about ten years into it he'll have an affair because I'm too busy and I'm too tired. And I'll find out. I'll threaten to kill him, his mistress... myself. We'll get past it. A few years later he'll have another one. This time I'm just going to pretend that I don't know because somehow kicking up a fuss just doesn't seem worth the trouble this time. And I'll live out the rest of my days sometimes wishing my kids could have the life that I never had. Other times secretly pleased they're turning into repeats of me. I'm fine. Really.