About Schmidt

Rosetta 2022-03-23 09:01:43

This film gave me a very heavy feeling.
I've seen all kinds of films that reflect retirement, such as "Journey to the Family", but the theme of the journey is love.
And this film is different.
From Nicholson's time away from the office to his boring home life after retirement, it seemed to me that it was the same question: what is the essence of life.
Schmidt was always looking for a presence, and when he was young, he thought he was a great guy who could run the company well and should be in the management position, but he didn't.
He thinks that the family can be warm and sweet, but as time goes by, he discovers: "Who is this old woman who has been sleeping in my house?" But in the end, his wife died suddenly and he discovered that she had carried him and himself behind his back. friend cheating.
But he was fortunate to have his own daughter, but the daughter did not appreciate it, and finally married the man he was not optimistic about.
All this made him suspicious, and he began to ask himself constantly, and decided to go out for a trip at night. I've also always felt that night is the best time to make a decision, especially if you're alone and it's hard to fall asleep. You often want to do something to get out of your current life, and traveling seems like a good idea. choose.
So he hit the road and couldn't find the house he used to live in, but he was relieved to find his photo at his alma mater.
When traveling, the woman has been comforting him, and in one sentence: you sad man.
As a result, this sudden concern and feeling made him unable to be himself, and finally he kissed other people's wives and left in embarrassment in the scolding of others.
When I saw him sitting on the roof of the RV in a blanket, with his wife's favorite porcelain doll, and lighting a white candle. He forgave her, and he forgave himself.
Our existence as an individual is fragile, so we like to live in groups, not just because of the species, but because living in groups makes us feel valuable, so no matter what you work for, money, fame, etc. , once you suddenly quit work and are told you don't have to work anymore, just stay home. This feeling is like changing from an unbearable weight to an unbearable light. The expectation and pressure of life suddenly turned into how to pass the time, how to make his next life less monotonous and boring, so he began to write letters, himself, and travels, because it made him feel Makes sense because someone is waiting for your letter, someone can read your heart, and on the other hand, it's more like he's writing to himself.
Writing this, I suddenly remembered "Extremely Loud, Very Close", where the little boy tells his story to everyone he can trust.
Schmidt is the same as Oscar, but in a different way. In the end, neither of us can bear the pain alone, and we all feel that speaking can relieve our pressure and release the burden we bear.
So at the end of the film, when Schmidt saw the painting, he would burst into tears, not only because he felt that someone could understand his feelings, but also because the two tightly held hands made him feel that he still existed. meaning and value.
But I can't imagine a day when Ndugu no longer needs him for adoption, or he's tired of it.
What would Schmidt's life turn out to be?

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Extended Reading
  • Melyssa 2022-03-28 09:01:02

    Warren schmidt, who is watching from the sidelines and hiding his tenderness, is indeed payne! Cry at the end of the classic blind. Do not beautify or escape the life that has been suffering all the way. Is it my old age?

  • Agustin 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    For Jack Nicholson, there are no simple words to sum up my admiration, love, love and admiration for this aging actor, except that he is willing to be his sidekick and run behind his butt every day. , his acting skills, I believe that people who have seen one of his films will always remember him. Except for Jack, the narrative structure, character setting and the composition of the picture are very comfortable and exquisite.

About Schmidt quotes

  • Warren Schmidt: I know we're all pretty small in the big scheme of things, and I suppose the most you can hope for is to make some kind of difference, but what kind of difference have I made? What in the world is better because of me?

  • Warren Schmidt: I'd like a blizzard with vanilla ice cream.

    Dairy Queen Employee: Ok. What would you like on it?

    Warren Schmidt: Uhh... I'll have the Reese's Pieces... and some cookie dough.

    Dairy Queen Employee: And what size?

    Warren Schmidt: ...medium.