very light story

Michael 2022-03-23 09:02:57

Seeing Paris again, I have always liked the tin roofs in Paris, but the Eiffel Tower is not entirely in the water. . Is this what old Paris looks like? ? This movie seems to combine the shadows of Notre Dame de Paris and the Phantom of the Opera, but it is not the same story at all, haha, I always thought it was a copy of Notre Dame de Paris when I saw the poster before.
My favorite style, a French art romance. But the plot is a bit too bloody, there is really nothing to act? Can be a flea starring. As for the music, there are some good ones. The picture is good.
The music is beautiful and has a Phantom of the Opera feel.
The villains in the movie are very cute, and each of the episodes is better than the other. It's a very relaxing story. Don't miss the Easter eggs after the subtitles~

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The story of mortal cultivator
is slightly inferior, the details in the film are very meticulous, and the streets of Paris are more meticulously restored. The picture is soft and romantic, and the soundtrack La Seine is also very good. Romantic is really everywhere in French films.

Still relying on the beautiful scenery of Paris, anyway, the fleas are still too weird... The original sound is very amazing, I can add a star for this!

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Extended Reading
  • Kadin 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    I don't like cartoons in this style.

  • Gerhard 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    France and CG animation are completely different

A Monster in Paris quotes

  • Lucille: He's not a monster.

  • Emile: Uh, Raoul, you didn't see something strange in there, did you?

    Raoul: You mean besides a singing monkey, a fifty foot sunflower, and the vials of potions that almost killed us? No. You see anything strange?