Disappointing, bloody killing movie that ignores the audience's IQ

Leone 2022-03-23 09:02:29

The following film review contains spoilers:
Except for the use of the male pig's feet in the first "Night Demon", the plot is basically unrelated to the first film, the blood diamond, the little girl, and the wife's debt have all disappeared, and this The part lacks the previous logic, ignores the IQ of the audience, and is just blindly bloody and killing.
The premise that the female pig's foot needs a hearing aid is different from ordinary people, but it was never used at the end of the film; the female pig's foot was covered with tarantulas, but she was very calm when she got up and shot the tarantula; The base camp of the perverted serial murders of the trap, but not enough bullets; the first time the male pig's feet did not save the female pig's feet in the night scene, the second time he left the "rescue team" on the way to save people and escaped alone, the third time in the collection camp The girl who couldn't save her limbs was nailed to the wall and begged him for help, but in the end she learned to scold the leader of the "rescue team" for not saving the captured female colleague; when the female colleague was caught, she panicked and kept shouting After being rescued, he was very calm when he encountered something; the hand of the male pig's foot was severely fractured again. Not only could he be connected immediately, but he could also fight with the killer... All of the above are ignoring the audience's IQ.
Originally, the first film had a suspenseful plot, a tense atmosphere, a logical plot, and the acting skills of all the actors were just right. And after watching this sequel, it doesn't feel like the same director, not the same screenwriter... It's a big disappointment

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Extended Reading

The Collection quotes

  • [first lines]

    Mr. Peters: Elena. I know this must seem like the darkest day of your life. I know you miss your mother. And even though she's not here right now, she'll always love you. You understand that, don't you, darling?

    Young Elena: Yes, Daddy.

    Mr. Peters: But I'm going to be around more. I will always be here.

    Young Elena: Promise?

    Mr. Peters: I promise.

  • [last lines]

    Arkin: All those insects, you're quite the collector. In a 200-mile radius from where we last saw each other, there are 14 licensed entomologists. And you were number 12. Your daddy ran a museum, didn't he? Fucked you up real good. Turn around.

    [Arkin presses a gun against the back of The Collector's head]

    Arkin: Turn around.

    [the Collector slowly turns around]

    The Collector: Are you here to kill me?

    Arkin: No. That'd be too nice. First I'm gonna make you feel everything that I felt. And then I'm gonna kill you. So that you can never hurt anyone...

    [the Collector attacks Arkin, but is overpowered and thrown into a trunk]

    Arkin: [slamming the trunk shut] Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!