this is life

Hiram 2022-03-24 09:01:43

The plot is very relaxed and unconventional. It tells a love story
from the way of existing children falling in love again.

As a comedy, the film will inevitably have a happy ending
, but it is a good film in the same type of film.
The life we ​​face is
not allowed. We have the slightest escape,
whether it 's for friendship or love, we're always on standby,

even though we've met tens of thousands of people and happened tens of thousands of things
, only you can make me never forget
, and only I can make you cry. I
thought it was impossible. Individuals are embedded in each other's lives unknowingly.
We start to become indispensable
. The disappearance or escape of each other is unforgivable in our eyes,
not because of blaming, but because everyone in this world can escape but you can't
because we are family.
Our life Without each other
that's the way of life with you and me
and all our love

The life
we all do our best to live it
well and live our happy lives

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Extended Reading
  • Imelda 2022-04-23 07:01:52

    The heroine is not eye-catching and the whole film is discounted

  • Michele 2022-04-22 07:01:17

    Handsome guy and beauties, but unfortunately the plot is really old-fashioned.

Life as We Know It quotes

  • Eric Messer: I never had to think for three people before, hell, I barely had to think for one.

  • Sam: If my wife and I fought like that... we'd still be married.