<Drunk Town Ballad>: The Zombie Life of a Former Singer

Flavio 2022-03-24 09:01:46

It's hard to be an artist, and it's even harder to be an artist that lasts for decades. If there is no continuous emergence of high-quality works, or there is no continuous disclosure to attract people's attention, an artist will often be out of breath. "Drunken Country Ballads" tells the story of such a confused country singer who is a little out of date.
His name is Llewyn Davis, and he and another buddy formed a group and became famous. But his partner jumped right into the river, leaving him alone in the murky waters of the music industry, hoping to revive his reputation, but it was an era known as the "Beat Generation", where the waves were all over the place. Home, became the collective characteristic of the literary youth of that era. And this unlucky singer also lingered like a zombie in the poor streets of New York, looking for the direction to move forward in the lost way of life.
The Coen brothers didn't show us how successful this man was, and even the protagonist was completely beaten to the teeth in the end. Just like the original meaning of the movie title "Into "Llewyn Davis", they truthfully probe into the character's weaknesses and look for elements that can become conflict to prop up the whole story. We fully see how this foul-mouthed and powerful young man uses the "spiritual victory method" on himself, and how he pretends to be a hero in front of others. He is literally "Ah Q" in the American country music industry. No matter how his lover scolds her or how his wife warns him, he has an "I don't care" attitude and continues to borrow money from others to make a living.
Fortunately, there is a cat teacher who is running around, so that this lazy guy who sleeps on the sofa every day is full of "sense of direction" in his life that should be doing nothing. At the same time, it was also the day of returning the cat. We found that this character could not forget the glorious days of "playing the world with his partner", and he could not sing "Fare thee well" to his past; later, he was also injured after a car accident. The tabby cat makes the protagonist understand that no matter how traumatic life is, as a life, we must limping and living strong.
Another role that can be used as a line in this film is country music. When the male protagonist looks back on his tragic experience, he sings "Hang me hang me." He makes fun of his life, but he wants to make a change, so He sang "Fare thee well" to say goodbye to his poor and sad past, to say goodbye to glorious history, and to say goodbye to the pain and suffering of the past. The last line of the film is also "Goodbye". At that time, he had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and smiled contemptuously, and the film stopped abruptly at this moment. We don't know what will happen to him, but we feel a kind of detached spirit, even if no one really likes him, no one can become Bole to appreciate him, as long as there is music, everything will be better!
In short, this is an unimaginable unresolved but lingering film. We have been watching the hero's vicissitudes of life. Even in the end, we have not seen a glorious ending. However, this is a powerful sublimation that makes We feel the last-minute detachment of the hero. In any case, this movie is not nominated for an Oscar nomination is a huge loss for the Oscars, I hope more people will pay attention to this movie and enjoy this life's musical hardship.

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Inside Llewyn Davis quotes

  • [last lines]

    Llewyn Davis: Au revoir!

  • Llewyn Davis: Who is Arthur Milgrum?

    Al Cody: Oh that's me. I'm gonna change it legally, at some point.