"Living in the Real World"

Anthony 2022-03-24 09:02:34

Some viewers in "Living in the Real World" said that this is a spy film, ho, no! This is just the real world side.

Chechnya--Russia--Hamburg--Berlin--United States--Turkey--Anti-terrorism--Banking--Religion--Charity.
The sum of the above elements constitutes the film.
We live in the real world, the world is made up of people, the world is also made up of people, and the world is made up of people who manage people.
Any single individual who wants to escape from this real world to survive is fine, but please don't fantasize about creating something "great".
It seems that there are no secrets in this world, and there are no so-called corners, where those things can be quietly sprouted.

Because, all people, live in the real world!

Finally, in Herbert Grönemeyer's strong singing, he warned the audience to try to be an ordinary person.
We live in the real world.

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Extended Reading
  • Adelbert 2022-04-20 09:02:01

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck! ! Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp. At the end, the explosive point was still a bit unbearable for the lengthy two hours. To Philip Hoffman.

  • Nina 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Although the process is slightly lengthy, the calm and restrained shots and Hoffman's performance hold up the whole film

A Most Wanted Man quotes

  • Günther Bachmann: Go where? Go where?

  • Dieter Mohr: After 24 hours of questioning, Karpov confessed to taking part in attacks on gas pipelines, transport, infrastructure, police stations.

    Irna Frey: After 24 hours of Russian questioning, any one of us would admit to anything.