a few questions

Harley 2022-04-20 09:01:47

1.8 minutes 30 seconds Em said at the dinner table "When the comet passes, they will get lost, they will go back to the wrong house, they will forget. They don't even know where they are. I saw one of the women called the police and said: " This person in the family is not my husband. "After the last sentence was said, the camera immediately turned to Kevin sitting next to Em. Kevin turned his head to look at Em thoughtfully. "Then the police came to the scene and said, this is your husband. Then she said, no, this is not my husband. Because I just killed him yesterday. "After that, these sentences were always given to Kevin. After Kevin heard that he killed her husband, he made a surprised expression. (But I feel that this expression is obviously not from the heart.) Does
this mean that, Since entering Beth's house, Kevin is no longer the Kevin who disconnected from the call at the beginning of the film?

Around 2.17 minutes. The power went out. Mike and Hugh went out to see if everything was out. When they came back, tell everyone except for two blocks. In a house outside, all the power was cut off. Everyone said to go out and have a look, and then everyone went out. It was dark after going out, and some said, "I can't see you at all," and "Baby, don't go there. ”, “Come here”, “It’s pitch black”. At this time, the picture is very dark, and the dialogue should be very chaotic.
Are you passing through that dark area at this time? Some people have already crossed the space at this time?

3. Then Everyone went back to the house together and found a broken green cup on the table. It
means that the house everyone went back to is not the first house?

Around 4.50 minutes and 20 seconds, everyone found Hugh and Amir leaving, and knew they were not blue Glowsticks Hugh and amir. After the quarrel, beth and lee went to the kitchen. Lee was washing the green cup that had been broken before.
OK, the opened blue glowstick box + no broken green cup, which means they are back at this time Arrived at the house before everyone went out for the first time?
But what about the second time em heard Beth in the kitchen asking where Lee bought the flowers? It means that Beth and Lee are not from this house? After the whole group went out, they never went out again.

5.74 minutes and 25 seconds. Mike was beaten by a Mike who rushed in with a green glow stick and looked like he was dead? Then why is Laurie excited? Are you going to take off your clothes?

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Coherence quotes

  • Mike: If we're collapsing right now, I'm gonna collapse on them. I'm not gonna wait for them to collapse on us.

    Hugh: Whoa, whoa, Mike.

    Mike: I'll go over there and I'll just kill 'em.

  • Mike: Let's have a drink.