buy a bike for my daughter

Gayle 2022-04-05 09:01:07

I live in a villa on the outskirts of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Yes, the one with the beautiful sea blue door and the rooftop that can be biked. My husband is a famously handsome guy, he's rich, and his friend loves my pilaf, he's proud of it, but he hasn't been home for weeks. I have a 12-year-old daughter, and no one can stop the kids from locking the door at that age, but she's obedient and good at math, God bless.

Saudi women rarely work after marriage, and there are not many jobs provided by society. After all, it is inevitable to be seen by other men after being married, which is really damaging to the reputation of the family. Apart from taking care of housework, serving husbands, and raising children, we don’t seem to be accepted. needed by the rest of society. But I still hold on to a job, except that I need that damn driver with no air-conditioning to drive me 3 hours a day, but I don't want to lose my job opportunity even if it asks for a shift. reason? After marriage, I have been worried about my figure. After all, those women outside are not vegetarians, and with a mother-in-law who always wants to marry my husband, life cannot be perfect, right? Luckily, I also have a good friend, Laila, who is like a haval with a thick honey custard sauce, and she's always enjoying herself, except that she has to worry about excess body fat pressing on her heart. She can always get some well-known gossip from her unstoppable mouth. For example, Mariam's daughter ran away with a wild man, and was later caught by the religious police. If you want me to say, it is better to have such a shameful daughter as soon as possible. married.

My husband is coming home less and less lately, should I change my hairstyle? What is going on in my daughter Waganda's mind? She actually wanted to go out and ride a bike like a boy! What's the difference between this and standing naked on the street? Didn't she know that Dad was going to marry another woman, leave this house, leave us? What else is there other than the woman who can give birth to a son? Does he love her? Could she also sing love songs for him while cooking? Waganda said that the teacher at the school asked her to wear a veil, can her daughter marry? I helped her put on my veil, and by the way, I looked through the closet. My uncle was getting married in two days, so I decided to go to the top shop on family day. There is a Chinese saying: Women are those who please themselves. Seems like a good idea to max out my husband's cards before he gets hooked.

The principal called me to the office early in the morning, and when I saw the rock tapes and football club bracelets on the desk, I wanted to find a hole in the ground.
fired? No, you can't fire Waganda, she's always been good at studying...
Married? I didn't think about letting my daughter leave me so early...
she's still lying? I know, I will educate her well.
But what about her? Acting like I don't want to listen to you and I just want a bike, even telling her I can't get pregnant on a bike doesn't stop her crazy thoughts. God knows how mothers in other countries communicate with their 12-year-old daughters? The rebellion of letting them go free through adolescence? This is Arabia, women have a pitiful view of the world, and I must not lead my daughter astray.

Recently, my husband and I have been quarreling more and more frequently. Every time I face him slamming away the door, I want to cry, but what can I do? Just because I can't have a son? I almost died in the operating room trying to give birth to Waganda, and sometimes I wonder if she was sent by Allah to test me? The sisters I used to drive to work with still gave up their jobs for various reasons, and Laila got a new job and was in the hospital with the men, is she crazy? How did her husband allow her to show her face? Once I saw her talking to a strange man even without a veil, which is really bad for women's morality. Should I stay away from her?

He said I was the brightest star in his night sky. I just melted into his sweet words so hopelessly, a man has a needle in the bottom of the sea, you can never know what kind of mentality a man has when he finds another woman after saying that you are his love. A woman in the world must have gone through the water, even if he finds another woman, as long as he comes back and hugs your leg and tells his sincerity, you will easily put your head in his arms and deceive yourself that you are his life. The love, after all, although he has found someone else, she is not the little honey in his mouth. At this time, women always have to save him at all costs, and don't care about the fact that he is also the chewing gum that other women have chewed. How about this red silk evening dress? Can just show my slender curves, will the neckline be too low? He doesn't like my scantily clad clothes, why don't he get a stylish haircut? But he said that I was very gentle with long hair, so I asked the boss to change the neckline, but it was only 1,000 riyals, and I could earn it without government subsidies.

Waganda is going to participate in the Quran recitation competition in the school. I help her review and correct her pronunciation every day. When we sit on the rooftop, maybe the rhythm of the Quran is so beautiful that it can arouse people's longing for beautiful things, Waganda asked. Do I love the man next door - that second-rate boy, I didn't answer this question directly, he is my first love, very handsome, just like the kind of Jack Sue who is not a heroine and doesn't marry in the novel, I The lucky heroine. However, I didn't tell Waganda that we couldn't be together because I didn't have a choice. Before I understood how love was, my parents had already married me off. I didn't tell Waganda that maybe... my daughter would have a choice.

I didn't go to my uncle's wedding, my uncle's wedding... How ridiculous, how stupid I am! This man just abandoned me and my daughter...abandoned our home. Thinking of all the accusations, all the indifferences, all the deceptions he and his mother have been accusing me all along, I feel disgusted and want to light a cigarette for him myself! But in the end I didn't, and I still had Waganda, who won first place in the Quran just to get the prize money to buy a bike she really wanted. My daughter Vajda, my angel, the thorny Udan rose, she was as stubborn as I was when I was young, but she was braver than me and always went for what she wanted. Why should I cut her wings off? I won't let her repeat my mistakes. But first of all, I have to let her experience it, let her understand that if you try hard to fight monsters, you may not get the equipment you want, but you will always get something. Look at the tears at the corners of her eyes, she wiped away hard, so that I wouldn't notice, this poor little fool! If you were a child of a poor family, the story might end here, but this is Arabia, your mom, I'm rich, you don't need to worry about being poor, look, as long as I'm happy, I can buy you a bicycle, let me You are free to fly in that far frontier.

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