ark is art!

Frances 2022-03-25 09:01:16

When I first heard the title "Russian Ark", I watched it a few times to confirm that I was not wrong: Russian Ark is not Tetris! !
It's a joke~
I have to say that the most famous thing in this film is that there is only one amazing long take in the whole film!
We followed the ghostly gaze to see the cultural and historical figures of this empire over the centuries:
the peeping of Peter the Great in a rage in the dimly lit corridors
the lovely side of Queen Catherine in the crowded auditorium (I didn't figure this out Is the Queen Catherine Queen or Queen Elizabeth) Queen Catherine who
left the palace and ran forward in the middle of winter (this must be her~) The
last tsar's family usually has afternoon tea time
, and there are also
old gentlemen from the present who are chatting in the exhibition hall; gently caressing the sculpture The old woman who is in the middle of the story; the dancer who talks to the famous painting; the navy soldier in the military uniform; the little boy who is scared by the diplomat alone What?)
The director expresses his understanding through everyone and everything in this luxurious palace:
ark is art!
In this world, there is no ark that can ride the wind and waves, and only art can rescue the world
. The canvas expresses dissatisfaction with the world; the marble is carved with an ideal existence; the masked dancer is eager to escape from the trapped body... …
Ark is tangible and art is invisible .
Ark is the past and art is the future
. Ark represents the diplomat and art represents the ghost. The
ghost told the diplomat that the war between Russia and Prussia had killed more than a million people. The diplomat thought the price was too high, and the ghost It means freedom is priceless!
There are also craftsmen in the partial room (let's call it that for now, or is it a coffin craftsman?)
After that splendid and grand Royal Ball, the diplomat chose to stay, and I, the ghost, moved on. The
diplomat represents the thoughts and feelings of the older generation. To stay is to be nostalgic for that era, and I am convinced that the future will not Beyond the ghosts of the old times that he exists,
I represent the new times and new things, and even the gorgeous banquet can't stop my heart from moving forward!
The two of us are standing on a parallel opposite, even when the Taoism is different, we have come together because of these arts...

In fact, there is one thing I need to ask; can we see diplomats in the exhibition hall? Can modern people understand as ghosts?
The dance party was so immersive! Immersive! ! !
I really admire the photographer: I carried the photographic equipment weighing more than 30 kilograms for 90 minutes, and I can only say that my body is very strong~

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Extended Reading

Russian Ark quotes

  • The Stranger: Let's proceed with caution. These madmen could eat us.

    The Time Traveller: They liked your hair.

    The Stranger: Of course, I'm a writer. Writer's always have good hair.

  • Orbeli: Is something still troubling you? Is it the authorities? They want acorns without oak trees. They are not interested in knowing how to nurture the tree of culture, but it will be their doom if the tree falls. Then there will be nothing left. Can't they understand that?

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