The film remains faithful to the original

Deontae 2022-03-25 09:01:10

The following has nothing to do with the movie.
Human beings are always very contradictory. When a movie is slightly adapted, it will be scolded and changed beyond recognition, and it is not loyal to the original work. Once it is loyal to the original work, everyone will dislike it because it has no new ideas and is difficult to adjust... I feel that for a movie or TV series , or even plagiarizing other people's novels, viewers don't have to be too serious about whether it is loyal to the original work, whether it is plagiarism, as long as it takes the essence and removes the dross, and it is better than the old one. After all, for bystanders, the most important thing is to learn from it. Whether it has absorbed nutrients, rather than caring about the real level of screenwriters or authors, that is what they need to consider. As for those who only pursue childhood memories and dislike the adaptations that do not conform to the original work, it is recommended not to watch the new version of the movie, but to go back and look at the picture albums of childhood to be really nostalgic

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Extended Reading

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows quotes

  • Krang: Stupid reptiles!

  • Krang: [grabs Mikey] Come here, little turtle! Let me give you a hug, GOODBYE!

    [puts Mikey in a bear hug]

    Raphael: Nobody!

    Leonardo: Messes!

    Donatello: With Mikey!

    [all three take down the Krang suit]