I'm no worse than anyone else (serious spoiler)

Tyrese 2022-12-26 02:33:47

This is my first time writing a movie review, so please advise!
What I learned from it was the values ​​of self-esteem and equality. I am a college student. After watching this movie, I felt these two consciousnesses the most.
Movie characters: This is a relatively wealthy family. The hostess, Barbara, may be a more fashionable person, but does not make much money. The host is Carlos, who has inherited the property of the previous generation. Now all household expenses are food His old Ben, who had learned to draw before, but stopped painting due to many reasons. The young master of the family, Fabino, when Fabino was a child, because his mother had to work far away, he was taught by Val (the maid of the family) , the protagonist of the movie) brought up, and the relationship with Val is like a mother and son, Fabino and Babar have a bad relationship, so-so, not close. Jessica, Val's biological daughter, hasn't seen her in over 10 years.
Movie plot: The characters are introduced first. Fabino was brought up by Val when he was a child. Barbar seems to be working from a distance and cannot take care of Fabino. Shows the daily life of the family. In addition, there are some other characters in the family, another maid, driver, and something else. Later, Fabino smoked, but was discovered by Barbar, Val assisted Fabino to retrieve the cigarette. Maid Val receives a call from a woman Jessica in a hot and mosquito-filled room, learning that Jessica will be arriving in São Paulo. Then Barbara's birthday, Val gave a coffee table? , but Barbara was actually unhappy, and she was not allowed to use it at the birthday party in the evening.
Val picks up Jessica, Jessica doesn't really want to go to her mother's boss's house, Val does. Jessica arrived at the house, the family got up to welcome, Carlos and Jessica had a good talk, and later went to see the house, Jessica wanted to live in a guest room (more luxurious) (Val intended to live with Jessica in that small room), the host Carlos readily agreed, and the hostess acquiesced. Afterwards, it was shown that Val and Fabino had a deep relationship (sleeping together), the next day, Val got up late, and Barbara made a breakfast for Jessica, after which Jessica and Val's opinions, the concept unfolded contradiction. After Carlos and Jessica talked and painted again, and ate a good ice cream together (it was going to be for Fanobi), Carlos and Jessica interacted again and talked about architecture. After that, Barbara was hit by a car, but it was fine, and her son took Jessica down to the pool to play (Val didn't like Jessica in the pool, thinking it was prepared for the master's house), Barbara asked someone to pump the water in the pool . Jessica's rental was accidental, and she came back here after failing to rent it. Carlos confessed to Jessica, but Jessica refused. Barbar used her cousin's stay as an excuse to drive Jessica to live with Val, in a small room. , Jessica and Val had a conflict and came out to make a phone call, (Jessica gave birth before marriage), and the day after, Jessica was eating ice cream and was found by Barbar, Jessica and Val had another conflict, and ran away the day before the exam . After the test, Fanobie passed the test by 2 points, and Jessica passed the first round of the written test with a high score. In the middle of the night, Val climbed into the pool (he had never dared before) to express his love for Jessica, which was Val's greatest pride.
Fanobi was going to Australia for 6 months. Jessica found a house outside. Val learned that he had a child out of wedlock, so he left and moved to Jessica, ready to take back his grandson.
Feelings about the film (only personal opinions, don't spray): I think the director mainly wants to express: 1. Concepts such as class, 2. The feelings between mothers and children 3. Everyone is equal~~My thoughts: From Barbara From the perspective of her, her performance is understandable, normal and practical, and it is not easy to judge whether it is good or bad, but from Barbar's point of view, there is nothing to resent, she has a sense of class, but it is normal. Carlos is a poor man, Val lives in a class, I think the idea that although it is allowed on the surface, it is actually rejected, this is already a kind of inequality, sometimes we understand that it can really cater to others Thoughts that make others happy but make yourself unhappy may make you successful in some careers, but correspondingly damage some of your self-esteem and feelings. Jessica, young and equal, I didn't accept your salary, let alone hurt my self-esteem, I'm no worse than others, I was born without a mother's love, but I can still thrive, the host Carlos allows Then I can do what I want, and I don’t need to care about the opinions of irrelevant people. I think the most important thing in it is the idea that I am no worse than others, even if my parents are servants, servants, prisoners ~~ This helps self-confidence, we don't need to be immersed in comparisons with others, but more Walk your own path with comfort and confidence.
ps: The relationship between parents and children requires time and encouragement. Because of the relatively young age, there are not too many feelings.

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