Learn a few common sayings by the way

Deron 2022-03-28 09:01:07

The film begins with a squirrel running into outer space for one of his pine cones and accidentally causing a collision.

In fact, I am quite envious of that squirrel. For the pursuit of a pine cone, I would think that there are pine cones in other places, why would I die on this one?

The whole article is about small animals looking for solutions in order to protect the earth, and then through the line of family ethics.

Then there are a few everyday phrases in the film. The grandmother's motto on marriage is: Love them and leave them, and take half of everything. It means to leave after love, and then take half of the property.
This is the idea of ​​aunts who are old and open. What to love or not to love, the key is to divide the property. There is a topic in IELTS speaking about reading a book or a movie you like. From the details, you can directly say that you like a certain sentence and like this book or movie.

Then there are two simple sentences: She giggled. and She dumped you.
The former one is that she is giggling (like a mental retardation), which is the close-up smirk of the heroine in the romance novel when she thinks of her male/female ticket. Lens, please make up your own mind.
In the movie, Mammoth is complaining to his friends that his daughter is giggling and jealous for another man. Even for my father, all the men in the world are pigs, and he always thinks that his little padded jacket is a good cabbage.

Then another sentence said that she dumped you, which means you were abandoned. If you still don't understand the Chinese meaning, please pick up your iPhone (if you don't have an iPhone, there will be no more), facing SIRI asks to divide zero by zero, listen to SIRI's answer and you will know what it feels like to be abandoned.
Closer to home, this sentence in spoken English can be very sad to say to a friend 55555555 She dumped me, it must be because I am not rich enough. This sentence can also be said in the IELTS speaking test, for example, to describe a building, or a thing, or a movie, you can describe your experience of being dumped by your ex or your ex and then you will not Like that building, or that thing impresses you, or that you refuse to recommend that movie to your friends.

Another sentence: I've been struck by lightning more times that than you've had hot breakfasts. The literal translation means that I have been struck by lightning more times than you have eaten breakfast, which is equivalent to The salt I had is eaten more than the meals that you've had done. (I ate more salt than your meals... How come you didn't die)
The scene of this sentence is that there was lightning, and the sloth (Sid) was on the side and His grandmother said you hurry up or you will be struck by lightning. (Insert a sentence here, and I didn't see Sid going to help the old grandmother, just jumping and jumping on the side).
The old grandmother said this sentence calmly, and she was hit in the middle of the sentence, and then she added the rest of the sentence after being resurrected in place. Sure enough, the grandmother is the one who has seen many things, experienced storms, loved, hurt, divided, and finally got the money.

To popularize a little knowledge 1. Vegan and Vegetarian.
The son of the Flying Dragon in the movie said to his father and his sister, can't we have some vegetables? Why should we grab other people's eggs to eat? The original sentence is Do we have to steal other creatures' eggs? Couldn't we just go vegan?
Vegan is a vegan, that is, a vegan who doesn't even eat dairy.
Vegetarians are vegetarians who can eat eggs.

In the new topic in September, there is a question in Part 1 asking do you like chocolate? You can answer by saying I like chocolate but I am a vegan, I eat dark chocolate without milk inside.

Last words See the world, Chase your dreams. Go see the world more, it is so big after all, go after your dreams, after all, you can only travel around the world in your dreams.

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Ice Age: Collision Course quotes

  • Panicked Start: Meteor shower!

    Eddie: Meteor?

    Crash: Shower?

  • Buck: The mother of all asteroids, screaming towards us. But I got a plan! Who's with me?

    CrashEddie: Crash and Eddie reporting for duty!

    Eddie: Haha! "Doody".

    [He and Crash laugh]