Too irritating, must rant

Emmanuelle 2022-10-02 19:21:54

This movie is too pitiful. Although it is said that there is a certain amount of creativity and zombies have IQs, I can't understand why a woman like the heroine who kills people without paying for her life can be the heroine, especially when the film is placed in her, she must go to the hospital Take the medicine, okay, you take the medicine to save the girl and other people who may get sick in the future, but why don't you have a sense of responsibility and sense of crisis? After taking the medicine, everyone retreated, and you too Let's act in unison, still a few steps behind to reminisce about my past and get some photos. I'm thinking that the person who accompanies you to get medicine outside is not a life? Isn't it human? Then a large number of zombies were attracted, and there was a wise one, and then a companion was bitten to death, well, it needs sacrifice, but can you have a little guilt, this is obviously the death of your bastard and outrageous actions How can you act like you have nothing to do with someone else, look like you should, who gave you a strong mentality, thick-skinned, that little girl is a human being, and you must get permission from others to take medicine when you are sick , other people are not human?
After returning to the camp, don't let others kill the zombie with IQ, saying that he is not a zombie and won't bite people, your sister, he was bitten to death before you found him There are three or four people in the camp, okay? ! ! What's wrong with your brain? Even if he doesn't bite you, he will bite others. Are no one else human except yourself? Oh yes, that girl is human too. Bah, how did such a heroine come from? Are you, the screenwriter, just to make people complain? ? Even if the heroine has developed a virus vaccine, it still can't cover up the death of basically the entire camp because of the heroine's selfishness! ! ! God, who will save me, I really can't stand such a person, Virgin Mary, she seems to be thinking of everyone, but what she actually does is selfish and selfish in character, and it is not cheap. If there is such a person in reality, slap her to death, your sister, everyone, don't watch this movie, because you really can't stand it, I can't stand it before I see it, I feel like I've finished watching it It must be disgusting to die, I can't let it go. There were so many people who could survive, just for what he called saving people, and researching the death of seventy-eighty-eight, God, who will take her?

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Extended Reading

Day of the Dead: Bloodline quotes

  • Miguel Salazar: Do you have the vaccine right now?

    Miguel Salazar: I didn't think so *BAM!*

  • Zoe: He could be the breakthrough we need in beating the rotter virus.