mystery, time, cave, future

Beth 2022-12-17 23:56:26

First of all, why wasn't this movie discovered? Is the subject matter not enough? I find it quite wonderful. At least it's a wonderful story that can be amplified and interpreted enough. The only thing I want to say is that it would be nice if the various points in the story could be slightly deepened. But that's enough to make people think.

A few doubts:

The student and the uncle finally met because of some timeline.

Do high tech people come to caves just to extract the fountain of youth?

The time when the cave existed was Earth or something else...

What are the two "people" standing on each other in the spaceship at the end

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Time Trap quotes

  • Taylor: None of this was supposed to happen. You went looking for someone who went missing while he was looking for someone else that went missing.

  • [last lines]

    Furby: What the heck is this place?

    Jackie: Well, it's not quite home, but at least were all together.

    Furby: Together? Like together-together?

    Taylor: Let's get you guys dried off...

    Jackie: No, goof. Come on, I'll show you around. A lot's changed, but... we're kind of a big deal around here.

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