
Major 2022-12-31 20:20:35

Kodak is a perfect tragic story. The first digital camera was born in Kodak's laboratory, and then the digital camera continued to attack the position of the film camera for the rest of the time, gradually replacing the position of the film camera, defeating Kodak.

Maybe the name of the movie made me feel too much, but this movie didn't surprise me much. It starts off with a standard midlife crisis movie, a father-son discord family movie, a drive-thru road movie all over America. You can guess the whole story from the first few minutes of the movie: those four rolls of film were shot when Matt was a child, and the father-son relationship will eventually reconcile. I thought it would be too vulgar if the hero and heroine ended up together, but they didn't let me down.

But when the story goes into the main line, nothing stops you from enjoying a road movie. Lonely American highways, endless American plains, brightly colored classic cars, and sexy heroines. Don't care about the storyline, just focus on the final journey of a dying man, take on an old bastard, and feel the bright spots in his life.

The movie is sad, the kind of sadness in the warmth. Just like Kodak is doomed to go bankrupt and the old man will die eventually, we have long anticipated the end of the matter, but when it does happen, it is still hard to hide the sadness. It's like the male protagonist who re-acquainted with his father sees his father's death, and it's like me, who already guessed the ending of the story, and still feels sad when I see the ending.

There are more touch points in the movie from the dialogue, from the tacit understanding between the father and son, and from the unspeakable love. This is by no means a bad movie, he just has some traces of routines, and it loses a little interest after seeing it through. But he is still worth seeing, adding a touch of color to the ordinary life.

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Kodachrome quotes

  • Ben: You like your women damaged?

    Matt Ryder: No, you like to damage yours.

  • Ben: Every star in the sexual galaxy is lined up. You couldn't seal the deal? What do you need, landing lights between her legs?

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