some details and feelings

Trystan 2022-03-31 09:01:03

1. The girl dreamed of a shaking mirror before. It's not hard to guess that she was on the toilet, but the flight had an accident and she survived by hiding in the toilet. Why she later overcame her fear of planes is strange.

2. I remember that the upside-down billiards room was still on the tenth floor. I didn't go downstairs later, why did it reach the ground? Personally, I find it strange about the design of the height.

3. Was the oxygen mask supposed to let everyone kill each other?

4. I really didn't figure it out, what does it have to do with killing your friend if you don't pay the friend.

5. If there is a sequel, do so many passengers on the plane have to participate in this broken game... This design is not very reasonable.

6. The death of the lighter is inexplicable.

7. Clues such as mobile phones do not work. It can be seen that the screenwriter has arranged it very carefully, and even has an illusion room. But it didn't work, and the illusion room ended up being hallucinogens and special effects, with no psychological content at all.

8. By the way, the movie blacked out a bunch of cops, stupid, and didn't believe in black-skinned women & people with illegal drugs in their bodies. How much discrimination there means.

9. I still want to know what kind of shit is hiding in the fireplace, what is the real password...what's wrong.

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Extended Reading
  • Gayle 2021-12-21 08:01:08

    The film is good and the connection is very good. I have only experienced this feeling of tension from beginning to end when I was in Busan. It's worth watching, and I hope the movie theater wall is approaching me??? Escape room series and crime are the types I have always liked. After reading the introduction, I have guessed the whole story. I know it is when I see the camera. The whole process was manipulated and broadcast live, thinking of the world of Trumen, but the world view of Trumen's world was even bigger. There are no survivors, there are shadows in several dramas~

  • Cecelia 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Nothing to comment on. If the writers let the man in the car accident die in the hydraulic mechanism, this movie would have four stars.

Escape Room quotes

  • Ben Miller: Where'd she get all the scars?

    Amanda Harper: Served in Iraq, asshole.

    Ben Miller: Oh, so you've had military experience. So that makes you, like, a... a... psycho... Xena...

  • Ben Miller: This is the worst game of Twister ever.