Beautiful and halo heroine...

Kolby 2022-03-26 09:01:10

Although the heroine's revenge is very cool, but the plot does have several slots

1. Fat Man and Richard both died of talking too much

2. When the heroine hit Stan's car, the distance was only one or two meters away? ?

3. And the heroine survived after being stabbed in the stomach, ok, how can she burn the wound so neatly with a can and get a tattoo of Nirvana? ? A little deliberately inspirational...

4. In the end, I am very convinced that the heroine can kill three people in the desert without eating and drinking.

But in general, this is a very enjoyable violent and bloody revenge film for women.

I hope that the man who disrespects women in the film can restrain himself a little to avoid retribution (smiley face)

ps: There are a lot of pictures of skin and flesh.... Watch carefully

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Revenge quotes

  • [last lines]

    Richard: [defiantly] Women always have to put up a fucking fight.

  • [last lines]

    Dimitri: I let my prey think they are hunting me when really it's the other way round