Comparing the [New Coronavirus] incident with "Mumbai Hotel"-a little bit of something other than the movie

Savannah 2022-10-01 16:20:34

The only lesson from history is that people have never learned any lessons from history. --Hegel

I'm so touched! ! ! So angry! ! ! ! —— Feelings of being forced to "confinement" watching movies at home during the 2020 Spring Festival

When I watched it, I was a little bit out of the show, and while I was angry with the Asan official, I changed my mind to think that this is hbzf! After reading a stroke, I was surprised to find the ubiquitous similarity between the two things.

The same point one: The casualties could have been minimized, but the opportunity was missed because of the lack of attention and unspeakable reasons.

1. Before the attack. This is an attack that could have been killed by the cradle . Before the 11.26 terrorist attack in Mumbai, the United Kingdom, the United States, and India all intercepted a large amount of information about the terrorist organization, but no one sorted out the information, and did not continue to track the information. This information did not attract the attention of any party, and it was difficult to collect it. All of his intelligence, clues close at hand, all slipped away. In addition, the United States had repeatedly warned Indian security agencies to strengthen control and defense before the incident. Facts have proved that India's so-called "three maritime lines of defense" are in vain, and the city's anti-terrorism is impossible to talk about. (The love was not shown in the movie before)

(1) Before the outbreak. 12.8 The first case came on, 12.31 The National Health and Construction Commission arrived in Wuhan to "guide the epidemic", 1.1 Wuhan arrested 8 "rumourers", and 1.4 Hong Kong has activated the "severe" response level, Singapore, Italy and other airports have begun to treat Chinese citizens entering the country. Spot check temperature. 1.5 The Shanghai research team has analyzed the entire genome of the virus. Local doctors in Wuhan have reported the severity of the virus many times, but the impact of the domestic new crown incident has not changed significantly. The government has repeatedly notified "no obvious human-to-human transmission". 1.18 Wei Jian until the National Committee of the second group of experts rushed to Wuhan, 1.20 academician Zhong Nanshan, a public statement this virus from person to person, the virus fled for about more than one month before they finally caught official attention, has been playing a good hand pulpy ; winter + During the Spring Festival, Wuhan moved 2.5 million people to the whole country, to 1.23, Wuhan closed the city, 1.24, and Hubei closed the province.

The same point two: slow action, lack of resources, lagging guarantees... the war was devastated and panicked.

2. The attack occurred. The police in Mumbai did nothing but pull a cordon . A 10-man devout army slaughtered for 60 hours in a city with a population of 20 million and 50,000 police! The official response of the police is always, "We need to wait for instructions, and we need the rescue of special forces." The first time I watched the movie, I was so shocked that you couldn't win 10 rookies with 50,000 police officers? ! The script is so exaggerated? ! In fact, it is the "Screenwriters Dare to Write This" series. The police in Mumbai have never been trained to deal with sudden terrorist attacks. "Caiji" is a devout army trained by terrorist organizations. The only guns for the Mumbai police are pistols and single-shot bolt-action rifles that were eliminated during World War II, totaling 577 . Therefore, the only weapon an ordinary policeman has is a baton. Let them and terrorists equipped with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives, and satellite phones stand up front, Liang Jingru can't give them courage. The local government is so hot, let's look at the central government again. Can the army directly adjust it? First meeting. I don't know how long it has been driving. The anti-terrorist forces finally waited for the assembly instructions. When they arrived at the airport, there was no standby transport plane. Finally the next day arrived, and it took 2 hours to discuss the battle plan. During the period, the commander was killed by the passing terrorists (?). By the end of the incident, the sniper on standby had not fired a single shot because he could not distinguish between terrorists and civilians. (It seems that the scope is bad? Didn't turn to the specific news) The most "elite" black cat special forces in India have allowed the world to witness their "strength". The Indian media is also a ruthless person . Knowing that there is an off-site command from a big boss, it broadcasts the entire counter-terrorism rescue process to ensure that everyone can see real-time dynamics, and it is incumbent to expose the hidden location of escaped personnel online (top of confusing behavior). The last vitality, the hidden club, was also broken by terrorists.

(2) The outbreak of the epidemic. From the perspective of Wuhan’s lockdown: the announcement of the lockdown notice at 10 o’clock the next day was issued at 2 o’clock in the middle of the night, 300,000 people fled Wuhan overnight, and the expressway was closed until social condemnation; all public transportation in the city was stopped, and medical staff resolved the problem of going to work by themselves Inability to provide adequate food and beverages, the front-line personnel are full of instant noodles to satisfy their hunger; medical supplies are extremely scarce (the governor stated on the news that the supplies are sufficient), hospitals have crossed the government to openly ask for help from the society; the Black Cross is faint and incompetent. In the bureaucracy's grip on power, the second is that it will never dispose of such a large amount of materials. Government agencies are stunned, staff are ignorant and incompetent, state media is praising angels in white in a prosperous age, medical supplies are dispatched quickly, and resources are scarce and scarce... Every step is extremely dangerous to death.

The same point 3: With gratitude, someone is always carrying the burden for us.

3. Heroes in disasters. The film weakens the image of "heroes" and moral criticism, objectively demonstrates the beliefs of the Iraqi religion, and more presents the existence of "people". The hotel attendants who were familiar with the structure of the hotel could have escaped by chance, but most of them chose to stay. The final casualty figures showed that half of the deaths in the Taj Mahal Hotel were staff. The head chef stabilized his army and led his staff to rescue customers continuously; the waiter Arjun has always been in the forefront; the receptionist who did not escape after the slaughter immediately and the guest in the room called warning...Hotel travelers are also supporting themselves, and the steel straight male Russian brother protects The single lady, the little nanny protects the baby all the way... (The characters above all have realistic prototypes) The strength of the police and the robbers are very different, but there are always police officers who can't bear to stand by and stand by. "We only have 4 people, but we have to do something. " , And then there is no way forward. (In reality, 14 policemen died in the line)

(3) Heroes in the epidemic. How hard it is for the medical staff on the front line: The overloaded operation seems to have no end, and the war epidemic continues after a break; the tired faces that have been strangled with marks will never give up in tears; New Year’s Eve, the provinces and cities and the People’s Liberation Army medical care People have been invited to fight to help Wuhan; social forces have also formed a strong guarantee: 10 days of trials and hardships, the design plan is completed, and the Vulcan Mountain Hospital is officially delivered; the medical staff are transported, meals are provided, and the volunteers are in action; SF Green Channel Moving forward smoothly; Ali’s strong industrial chain is more responsible in times of disaster; Sanlian, Caixin, Surging... the media speaks on the front line; International aid is also continuous: "Mountains and rivers are different, wind and moon are in the same sky"; it is 100,000 from Israel A mask; it is the hard work of every wanderer who still cares about the motherland from far abroad... In the real world, there are no years of peace, and there are no war wolves and white angels. They are all shining retrograde individuals who are protecting us. Carry up the pain we can't bear. After tomorrow, they will be passers-by walking with us on the street again, ordinary brave men, thank you!

Same point 4: Don't give up, spring will always come.

4. Three weeks after the disaster , Chef Oberoi reopened the hotel’s first restaurant. The hotel opened 21 months later on India’s Independence Day (still not fully restored). Survivors came from all over the world to participate. Opening ceremony. The Taj Mahal Hotel continues to welcome guests from all over the world.

(4) After the outbreak life quickly revitalized it! The economy will recover soon! New crown, hurry up, everything is easy to say! Hasn't a series of mechanisms for responding to first-level infectious diseases and public health emergencies introduced after SARS? Why are we messed up again after 17 years? How should the wildlife market be regulated? How should SMEs and individuals deal with such sudden difficulties? There are still many questions left to us. .

Finally, I hope everyone is healthy, safe and happy!

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Extended Reading

Hotel Mumbai quotes

  • Abdullah: [searching the hotel room] Houssam? Houssam, come here! Look at this. Look, they have a machine to flush their shit. Even shitting is fun.

  • Vasili: Fuck your prayers. That's what started this shit.