Courage to live

Krista 2021-10-13 13:05:39

Living seems to be like eating, it is instinct. For normal people, suicide is like pulling one's hair to lift oneself, absurd and ridiculous. But absurd things are always happening in this world, so there are always people committing suicide. For example, those who are trapped by love, those who are abandoned by their husbands or wives or their families, those who went bankrupt from rich to poor overnight, those borrowers who owe huge foreign debts, those who have been discriminated against since childhood and have a strong sense of inferiority. Yes, those who suffer from depression, or those who think too deeply about life than Schopenhauer, or in a certain period of historical turmoil, the external environment has extinguished his hope of life, and life is gloomy A group of people, they choose to die to end their suffering in the world.

For those who choose to die, I only fear the latter two. For the living, I am in awe of people like Chuck. Some people regard this "Legend of a Deserted Island" as a modern version of Robinson, but he is not luckier than Robinson, because there is not even a living person besides him, let alone a servant Friday or Saturday. Because of the plane crash, he stayed on a deserted island for four years. Except for a volleyball (he named Wilson) to accompany him, no one, not even an animal, was seen.

Feeding on coconuts and fish, for four long years, besides loneliness, those who accompanied him might have hopes that flickered like a humble boat drifting in the big waves. The flickering and flickering prospects brought about by this kind of hope that is extinguished at any time are the most tormenting. If there is no hope, and there is no hope, then you can end your life happily. But Chuck is a man who refuses to admit defeat. He was full of passion when he worked at FedEx. He motivates employees like a speaker. His life is always busy. When such people find that they are far away from the world and the hope of returning is slim, they will either choose to die, or they will survive as hard as it shows in the film.

As I watched, I thought, if it were me, I would have starved to death on an isolated island, let alone four years, maybe it would be difficult for four days to survive. He was hungry, wounded all over, and more desperately covered, like the towering big wave smashed down.

Modern people live a busy life. They are exhausted every day to feed, clothing, car, house and family. All of them are full of vigor and brave attitude to meet the challenges of modern life. If you are left alone, completely alone like Chuck-no one, no living creatures, no modern everything, you can only return to the original state to make fire by drilling wood, and the hardest weapon is just stone. When everything can only be built on your own, there will be a few remaining standing like Chuck.

The part where Chuck saves Wilson on the sea is not sensational, but not every viewer will feel it deeply. Only those who have experienced the kind of person who devours you a little bit by loneliness in the dark, and the person who has never given up the obsession with faith, can you feel the heartbreak of his thumping in the water and screaming loudly. What the sea water keeps pushing away is not just a volleyball, it is an externalized object that Chuck has supported his hope of survival over the past four years.

Fortunately, Chuck returned to the world and all nightmares were over. But what is not over is our thinking about life and life.

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Extended Reading

Cast Away quotes

  • Chuck Noland: I should've never gotten on that plane. I should've never gotten out of the car.

  • Chuck Noland: Hey, is all this turbulence from Santa and those eight tiny reindeer?