To all women

Humberto 2021-12-13 08:01:09

To all women, the
delicate and youthful image of the great mother belongs to the son. He is everything to the mother. On the night of his 18th birthday, the son was hit and killed on the road in order to pursue the actress's signature. No amount of heart-cracking crying can save the reality of life that has passed away...Although I have never been a mother, my heart seems to have been poked a hole, as if I was sucked into my chest by a grieving mother, together with her I shed tears and regrets, the hole in my chest can hear the sound of the wind rake every day, and the whole world has collapsed. The
mother looked back to find her past where her son was conceived based on the diary that his son last left in the notebook. Husband, looking at the street car named Desire time and time again, she used to hold her baby so decisively to leave his snarling husband. In the process, she met the actress who indirectly caused the death of her son, but became a friend. She also took care of the angel-like young woman and her child who was infected with the AIDS virus like a mother. A very trustworthy mother full of compassion and noble sentiment, just like a vivid monument that we respect and at the same time inspire Out of the love of life and life, the director gave her the sun-like brilliance, and the mood should show the image of a truly great mother. A broad mind, accommodates everything, and is extremely tenacious. It is like a torch. And her son is Her wick.
But in reality, it is even more bizarre. Her husband is an androgynous man with prosthetic breasts. He still made other women pregnant and infected her with HIV... A dead body, but still harming her. People, when he cried with his face painted with N-layer white powder, he felt like a terrible scene of dry land cracking cracks.
But in any case, his son was still imagining his father and felt that he had the right to know. The mother should tell him everything. If the mother told him his father existed at the beginning, what would their fate be like? But everything is impossible to return, his father can only understand the nasty life in such a tortuous way. , How tragic it is to ignore the green light.
But Ayue, who is also an androgynous (can't help but remember his name, his life is to please all beings as his own duty) has noble sentiment, which makes people laugh and respect ~ This is a sad one. The movie is painted with joyful glitter, and people can't help but be infected by her. She is a clown who knows the sorrows of the world. She laughs
and scolds, and her ugly and delicate appearance has already made people gimmick. She made a strong laugh. Music and music . The picture is bright and charming, the infectious force is strong, the lens is ingenious and natural, and the vigorous and powerful current directly rushes into my depressed state of mind. This is one of the favorite Almodóvar movies I have ever seen. Here, all women Living positively and upward under the pressure of fate, including men, like fire spreading in this turbid world, warming countless lonely and lonely hearts, life is not so bad, even at the end of life, but you can still go Look forward to the future.

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All About My Mother quotes

  • Huma Rojo: There are people who think that children are made in a day. But it takes a long time, a very long time. That's why it's so awful to see your child's blood on the ground. A stream that flows for a minute yet costs us years. When I found my son, he was lying in the middle of the street. I soaked my hands in his blood and I licked them. Because it was mine. Animals lick their young, don't they? I'm not disgusted by my son. You don't know what it's like. In a monstrance of glass and topaz. I would put the earth soaked by his blood.

  • Agrado: I look like the Elephant Man!