The sweet escape of small civil servants

Cara 2022-01-03 08:02:08

In fact, you really can’t blame the main combat faction. If it’s you, you want to fight a battle quickly.

Looking at the world for 6,000 years, heaven and hell have both evolved (decreased) and become bureaucratic places with their own merits. Whether you are in the invincible landscape or the smelly basement, Beelzebub and Gabriel are both The life of a senior executive is irrelevant. I have done Excel forms for thousands of years and submitted countless copies of Paperwork. The water pipes in the office are leaking and no one repairs them. There is only one big boss who never shows up and acts treacherously but ubiquitously. In this Kafka-style desperate atmosphere, suddenly there is a hardcore doomsday battle to be fought. What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse, donkey hoof Satan, super vigorous, okay? Is office life a human life? ! It’s a serious matter to swept away the administrative frustration in a doomsday war that God promised to us quickly!

Who knows, it's on two small civil servants who sneak and rape!

Don't mention AZ. The chubby earthly hedonists who have been stabbing Louzi since the Garden of Eden are extremely satisfied with the worldly life and can always get satisfaction from eating and eating. The biggest wish is to toss some small hobbies of collecting old books by myself, and then guard my hobbies with snot and tears and don't want to destroy the world. Fat Lolita’s boyfriend in sunglasses is a little crawling, and she is upright, chasing the angel for 6,000 years! Countless invitations to angels to elope, but they have not given up. The biggest hobby of amateurs is to raise (intimidate) green plants. What do you think these two people can do? That is to say, you and I who are in the system are going to be in trouble. Life is still going to be cleaned up and tinkered. Why should everything be overturned and restarted? Forget it, it's not the end of the world anyway, do you think it?

Then the end will come. Forcing a pair of messy civil servants to stand on the side to select the team, but in the worldview of the counsellor, there is something to discuss. Why do you have to ruin the world at every turn? It’s really unnecessary. What side to choose? What team, I couldn't play with you. It’s a big deal for Xiao Cang Pa. Our feet are greasy. For Little Cutie AZ, it’s enough to keep the bookstore and don’t kill children.

Think about how many big bosses in history have meticulously planned everything that has always been defeated by sloppy clerks who care about their own coquettishness and do bad things with good intentions and love life! It's really a handful of sympathy tears for them.

This world is really full of mediocre good in addition to mediocre evil. Gaiman’s ode to a small civil servant is about the weakness and cunning of human nature that cannot be disciplined and punished anyway. It is probably that human society is not boring in every way, but it is still worthy of positive affirmation and good treatment. Just a little good cause.

Because the main line character design is too good, the supporting roles of the secondary line seem very flat and lack of driving force, but it is still not a failure. Little Adam’s bike quartet is like a derivative of "ET" and "Stranger Things". Even if the local prison dog is named "Puppy", you know that the world must be fine anyway, but a few friends Still distinctive, strong personality is not a simple counterpart of the Four Apocalypse. For example, the pair of witch and witch hunter gave up the cat-and-mouse tension in the question and became an apparently more profound combination of whether you want to live your life according to the prophecy. Millega and He who secretly called the hell Beelzebub, who sympathizes with Gabriel, is really interesting. In contrast, the seemingly misogynistic combination of a witch hunter and an old psychic woman seems to be too unsuccessful because it is too common sense.

Concise story frame and good time relationship between characters, coupled with beautiful high-level comedy dialogue, who doesn't love stories like this? In our ordinary daily life, where we often have a whim and bite our elbows in the middle of the night to deal with the terrible and disgusting life, what can be more sweet and satisfying than a hostile camp who defected to the world with a friend of his own kind?

I hope everyone can eat their own crepes~

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    Hi hello, how long does it take for the angel and devil version of gay companion to start shooting?

  • Maegan 2022-03-25 09:01:13

    Ah ah ah ah ah, this restoration degree! ! ! Crowley is exactly the same as I imagined and better! I like it like I like it~~~~~ I want to express the original work to the fans. So let's not talk about how it works as a drama, it's meaningless. It is the restoration of the details in the book that needs to be carefully tasted. After reading some short reviews, I found that some viewers were seriously discussing the plot and felt a little nonsensical... Well, this story is an irony of the Bible from beginning to end, and it belongs to the type of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." It's made for nonsense. Enjoy it's full of comedy and satire. In addition, the three siblings of the Holmes family of Shenxia are all in it: Mike (German spy), Curly Fu (voice of Satan) and sister Eurus (she plays Adam's mother)