Just take the dog to the isolated island

Zoie 2022-01-01 08:02:13

I watched "Minus 8 Degrees", also known as "The Adventures of Nanda," I cried so much that it was not enough to wet a pack of tissues.

I have a teacher who has written many words related to dogs. The dog is a legend in his eyes.

When his great-grandfather was young, he stayed away from his hometown and went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to do business. A big black dog sent home letters or small change to his family every month. From the current Shaoxing area to northern Jiangsu, the dog walked back and forth with him once, and then firmly remembered the route. He sealed the token in a sheepskin bag, fastened it around the dog's neck, and shouted "Go!" The dog ran all the way along the roads and paths. It would know how to look for food at the gates of the shops that had been sharpened, drink in the pond, and meet the river to be crossed. The ferryman on the river saw the dog with the bag tied around his neck. It's a messenger, it will come up on the shore with a sound, it will stand firmly on the bow of the boat, and when it reaches the opposite bank, it will run away... It is

quite interesting that the villages were simple in the old days, and no one was moved by it along the way. On the contrary, people will respect a dog with a task, even if they don't help it, and never hurt it.

It sounds incredible in today's era. Believe it or not, I believe it. China did have such an era. The folks are full of legends. There are strange people everywhere, and they have lived through their entire lives. There are also such dogs, like elves.

It is also the family story of this teacher. Arrived at his father's dog. When his father was young, he went home from a long distance one night, drank a lot of wine, and strayed into the countryside in a chaotic cemetery. Can't get out, go around in circles repeatedly, in a cold sweat, desperate.

His dog, who cared for the owner that night, saw the stars and moons full of the sky, and waited at the door before the owner returned. It seemed to sense the anxiousness of the owner who was trapped dozens of miles away. He walked to a small hill and screamed at the moon like a wolf. On the plains, the sound could go far, far away, the man heard it from far away, and a whistle to the sky in the graveyard, the dog heard it immediately, facing the field under the moon, rushed out and galloped. Then, he brought his master out of the predicament.

In fact, there are too many stories about dogs, what you hear, read, and see.

I like big dogs very much. Dogs must be majestic, aggressive, brave, and psychic. I don't like pocket pet dogs. They feel too like toys. A real good dog still has the temperament of a samurai, the wildness of a wolf, the arrogance of a bear, and a human mind, and an angel's heart.

Look at the 8 dogs in "Antarctic Adventure", left alone in the ice and snow, living alone for more than a hundred days, living on the brink of life and death, their owners are running around, trying to find them, the kind that cannot be parted from each other. Feelings, I'm about to cry again while I'm writing.

I used to read "An Interview with an Isolated Island" edited by Huang Jiwei. It mentioned a question: If you were to bring a book, a piece of music, and a friend to live on an isolated island for a short period of time, what would you choose?

The first two options are actually difficult, and the answer will change from time to time. I don’t need to think about the latter one and will never change. I want to bring a dog, a real martial artist, a smart dog who understands me very well, and I also understand it. No one else is considered.

For all reasons, when people get along with each other, the negative side of love is hatred or boredom, the relationship with a dog, the negative side and the positive side of love are the same, more loyalty, trust, dependence, and innocence.

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