First encounter with "vampire"

Ludwig 2021-12-09 08:01:19

If I think about the "vampire" image in the movie with this film as the text, I think it has the artistic charm of the original imagination. First, I found out that the vampire was connected with the hero's boss, a profitable real estate agency. This kind of connection is very strange, they have no direct communication. However, it seems that Dracula is the master. And put a cover for it in front of the world. Second, I discovered that vampires are associated with the plague. Compared with the bloodthirsty of vampires, the horror caused by the plague in people's minds and the horror rumors circulating make people think about the existence of mysterious power. They are all rooted in dead soil. Third, I discovered that vampires are associated with purity. After all, the vampire still has a desire for love, and its resentment lies in a kind of loss in the world. At a glance, you can see who has this preciousness on his neck. It does not die in the night, but disappears at dawn. Fourth, I found that vampires are connected with the laws of nature. Use carnivorous plants to compare the cruelty of nature. With the emergence of scientists, the emergence of vampires will not disappear due to the development of science. Fifth, I discovered that vampires are associated with some kind of prophecy. The little book in the hotel not only guides and hints at the male protagonist, but also points out the "should" behavior of the female protagonist at a critical moment. Sixth, I discovered that vampires are associated with ghosts. The soul carriage, psychological hints, and especially the strange behavior of people, although not fully expressed, they are very interesting. (According to WeChat group speeches)

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Extended Reading
  • Imelda 2022-04-22 07:01:25

    It's not a classic shape, but it still looks a little awkward. My favorite is the 1931 version.

  • Sandra 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    Director Murnau created a film based on Bram Stoker's 1987 novel "Dracula" (a copyright dispute arose at the time). The groundbreaking first vampire-themed horror film in the history of the film, which brought German expressionism to the extreme, left the audience with a shadow of vampires, and the film is different from the old and mostly used location, which shows the thinking of director Murnau advance. A vampire so exaggerated and real - so real that it doesn't look like a human at all - the two well-known shadow shots must have shocked the audience at the time. Comparing the Venus flytrap to a vampire and a hydra to a ghost, Nosferatu also refers to the "plague carrier" mouse. Even if it is a horror movie a hundred years ago, it is richer than most of the same type of movies today. much more. "It is forbidden to send plague patients to the hospital", why does it feel so familiar?

Nosferatu quotes

  • Book: Of Vampires: Beware that his shadow doth not burden your dreams with horrible fears.

  • Book: Of Vampires: Wherefrom there is no salvation except that a woman without sin should cause the vampire to forget the first cock crow. Of her own free will she should give him her blood.