Farewell to the West

Pedro 2021-12-30 17:21:45

Civilization and barbarism have always been the propositions in John Ford's Western films.

The film tells this unknown past through Stewart's memories.

The lawyer represented by Stewart is a symbol of civilization. He brought his legal documents to a small town in the west to spread the awareness of democracy and freedom to the people and teach the residents of the town to read and read.

The western cowboy played by John Wayne is a symbol of barbarism, tall and mighty, and a hero we love to see. From his disapproval of Stewart to his appreciation and help, he embodies the conflict and fusion between civilization and barbarism. process.

The villain of the film is a factor that promotes the friendship between Stewart and Wayne, and it is also a factor that blends civilization and barbarism. The existence of the villain makes the lawyer Stewart pick up the gun and start the barbaric transformation of the net.

But Wayne took the shot. He secretly shot the villain to death and saved the lawyer who symbolized civilization. He preserved civilization and promoted the transformation from barbarism to civilization.

Wayne flicked away, hiding his merit and fame. If it weren’t for Stewart’s narration, the young people in the town would not know Wayne’s heroic deeds, but as Mr. Scott said, “This is the West, as a legend. When it becomes a fact, the legend will naturally spread." Wayne lives in the hearts of the people in the west.

A railway was built in the small town, "like a garden." Stewart left the seeds of civilization in the west. The success of the western development also meant that the legend of the west was left in the past.

This is a 1962 movie. It is John Ford's farewell to Western films and also a farewell to Western history.

Let's relive this western past in time!

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Extended Reading
  • Jefferey 2021-12-30 17:21:45

    It tells the story of a law school graduate who went to teach in the west and sent the law to the countryside. . .

  • Fredy 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    The collision and fusion of traditional heroism and modern democracy and the rule of law. Over the years, people in the town have gradually forgotten him. He took everything and lost everything. PS: Only after watching the whole film can I truly appreciate the beauty of the original name.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance quotes

  • Tom Doniphon: I know those law books mean a lot to you, but not out here. Out here a man settles his own problems.

  • Tom Doniphon: You talk too much, think too much. Besides, YOU didn't kill Liberty Valance.