A movie with moving thoughts

Precious 2022-09-13 23:38:06

an advancing time

In "The Sunshine", there is a serene atmosphere of life. The narrative rhythm, visual images and characterization of the film from beginning to end are all unified in an extremely everyday atmosphere without lack of melodious beauty. Even in the tense moments when Black Wheel was cut off, Ah Hao took Xiaoyu to visit prison, and Ah Hao committed suicide by jumping off a building and other characters experiencing major life changes and intense emotional production, director Zhong Menghong did not give the two young people extra close-up opportunities. , he seems to be particularly obsessed with tying the audience's attention to the story moving forward and pulling us out of our "habitual" inertia of expectancy.

What happened between Caitou, Ah He and Hei Lun, so that Ah He took Cai Tou to cut off Hei Lun's hand?

There are so many people around Ah Hao who love him, and a bright future is within reach. Why did he jump off the building to commit suicide and clean up his room as if he didn't want to trouble anyone?

They are also the children of Sister Qin and Awen. Why did the brothers Ahao and Ahe grow into two such different people?

Why don't the three men in this family like to share their experiences and thoughts?

These issues are not untouched in the film, but Zhong Menghong's concerns are obviously not here. As the progress bar of the film continues to slide, we urgently need to dig out something from the "past" as an explanation for "now", but only "three years later" appears in front of us. The real passage of time is so cruel and just, before we know what is "lost", each tomorrow still comes as usual, and the future continues to flow to us.

At this time, Caitou appeared. Viewers had to start turning to questions about the "future":

Will Caitou trouble Ah He?

Will Ah Ho's re-established life be ruined?

Will Arvin act positively for his son this time?

That's the truth of life, the world doesn't stop for someone's collapse, and it doesn't protect someone because their life goes bad. The most stubborn Awen in the family has always regarded the excellent eldest son Ahao as his only child, while Ahe has been deliberately ignored. After Ah He came out of the juvenile nursery school, Ah Wen did not greet, hug, or say hello, and even moved from home to the staff lounge of the driving school. Here, what he avoids is not only "having a promising son like Ah He", but also "there is really only this one child now" - the latter is exactly when Caitou came to trouble Ah He, Ah He. Wen was forced to start to face the facts.

People always say that the best way to forget something is to give it time. In fact, time does not accelerate the progress of our forgetting, it just forces us to stop "looking back" with some looming troubles and allocate our energy to the choices and preparations that are related to where to go. Similarly, the temporal logic of the film's continuous advancement is not to give the audience a chicken soup for the soul of "don't dwell on the past and face the future positively", on the contrary, until Caitou is beaten to death and the huge stumbling block of Ah He and the future is cleared. , we still feel pained by the unresolved "past", because the pains of life have not faded with time, nor have they healed with the resolution of troubles, they are like the wrong knitting on a sweater A knot in the skin, or a scar that has been closed on the skin, no matter when you touch it, it is an uneasy existence. It is this feeling of inextricability and uneasiness that prevents these pains from being easily buried in the memory, reminding us not to forget the regrets caused by the past, and to cherish the hard-won present.

2. If my dad was just a driving school instructor

Without Awen's confession on the mountain, I would have thought that Caitou's death was a chance given to Ahe by Director Zhong Menghong out of compassion and intolerance, and I would be as confused as Aunt Qin. The coach's father, to what extent can Arvin's love actually help his son?

This seems to show the difference in the character of the parents, which leads to the difference in the way of realizing the love of the father and the mother.

There is a saying that because the child is a piece of flesh that falls from the mother, the mother's love for the child is always like a spring breeze. These characteristics are well presented in Aunt Qin: in appearance, she has heavy eye bags and dark circles under the eyes, does not wear makeup, and her clothes are completely unfashionable. These characteristics tell us that she Most of her energy was devoted to taking care of her family and running for life; Ah He was in trouble one after another, and what she complained about was not that Ah He was disobedient or outstanding, but that she blamed Ah He for not telling her, leaving her unprepared, except In addition, she just silently "cleaned up the mess", visited the prison, took Xiaoyu over, and facilitated Xiaoyu and Ahe's marriage - when something happened, she didn't seem to need much time to deal with her emotions, and immediately went into "thinking of a solution" and the "implementation" process.

Such an action pattern has factors of Aunt Qin's personality, but if we consider that she is a mother of two children, we will find that this is a skill that every mother develops in the process of taking care of the family. As a mother who has to take care of the family and work outside the home, if she has to spend time and energy to deal with her emotions every time she encounters an unexpected event, she will not have the time and energy to deal with things. She may not be as calm as we see her, but she has to be.

On the contrary, the father appeared in a large number of literary and artistic works as a permissible incompetent image. The movie "Marriage Story", which won 6 Oscar nominations in 2019, pointed out through the mouth of divorce lawyer Nora that although we have expectations for the image of a "good father", if the father behaves in the family "silent, absent, Unreliable, selfish", we can accept it, and we love them even more because of it.

But more often, we can't judge as decisively as in "Marriage Story" which father and mother are more perfect and competent in the family, nor can we simply assign polarized labels such as "gentle" and "strict" to father and mother . On this issue, the narrative of "The Sunshine" is closer to our real life. After Ahe's accident, Awen refused to visit his son in prison, and even refused to accept Xiaoyu, but he paid the Heilun family's compensation without saying a word. After Ah He returned to society, Ah Wen treated him with a cold face, posing as if he wanted to cut ties with his son, but immediately intervened when Caitou came to ask for trouble, and again silently "cleaned up obstacles" for Ah He's future. . Between the two silent actions, there is a psychological path from being forced to take the initiative to taking the initiative, but both show the tenderness of the father's love that is unrepentant but difficult to speak.

When Awen revealed the truth of Caitou's death, he always turned his back to the camera. In front of him was the vast and lonely mountains, and beneath his feet was the high grass flying with the wind. His heart may have been crying like his wife. Split lungs, unable to stand, but in the end he chose to stand there motionless, like a stone statue, quietly guarding his son's happiness.

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