Telling the bitter history of little people

Rosemary 2022-04-21 09:03:18

This film, called The King of Comedy, actually wrote an attitude towards life of some of the little people in the hard life. Exaggerated shooting techniques can better depict the inner pain and struggle of the characters. Especially those scenes that make us laugh, all are worthy of our deep reflection. Whether it should be a wanton laugh or an indifferent smile with tears in it. The play gave us some thoughts. When we are walking among the thorns of life, should we compromise and feel sorry for ourselves, or should we insist on realizing those dreams and so-called principles as always. When material and spiritual coexist, what should we do. Therefore, this film is not just a portrayal of Stephen Chow's first half of his life. It is to let us know the position and confusion that every young man with a dream should face at any time.

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