a heavy history

Jalyn 2022-12-25 01:09:46

This history is full of disasters for both nations. Whether it is Poland or Ukraine, apparently similar appearances are full of contradictions and conflicts due to differences in religious beliefs and nationalities. The first half of history is as described in "White Deer Plain", whoever rules can decide who's fate, and the rule is updated too quickly, so their faces also change. The second half is a brutal massacre by ultra-nationalist and religious organizations. This history of dehumanization has taught us to be vigilant. This is no longer a fight for national independence, it is just a killing game under the guise of national independence, freedom and liberation, a pure slaughter for the slaughter. I don't know much about the specific history, but if the history is really recorded like this, I can only hope that they can learn from it. Hatred can only breed hatred, not freedom. The joy at the beginning of the film is in stark contrast to the loneliness at the end, wishing that there would be no more war and hatred in the world.

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