I didn't expect that the last thing that touched me the most was you

Shannon 2022-04-21 09:03:44

All my tears in this play are given to you in the end.

Xu Zheng's acting skills are actually obvious to all. Although I have expressed regret for his inability in Hong Kong, I attended his press conference and saw him opening like Steve Jobs, but suddenly there was a problem with the PPT during the process. So embarrassed and sweaty.

Xu Zheng's acting skills in Hypnosis Master can almost be described as amazing, and it is precisely because of this that I can't forgive him even more. His producer (impression is) and the behind-the-scenes player of the starring role is something. . .

A person can't do 90 points, give you 60, you think he did his best.

A person can do 90, but give you 60, this is lazy.

The laziness of an actor is a loser, so no matter how the navy forces the behind-the-scenes players to look good, it's funny, I still have to say, rubbish.

In Medicine God, Xu Zheng's acting skills here are passable, even remarkable.

Needless to say, Wang Chuanjun has too many praises from the outside world, whether it is maverick or his acting skills are outstanding. In short, when I go to the cinema, I just look at the high score and know that Xu Zheng and Wang Chuanjun are doing well, so I go. of.

But to my surprise, I was moved by a man whose name I could not name.

It's the yellow-haired actor.

I know that there are still many tears in this film. Many good actors, such as Sister Hui who shouted happily in the pole dance scene, her eyes full of tears, such as the always weak priest suddenly took the microphone at the liar's home and exposed the truth.

But my eyes were still drawn to this man.

I'm sorry, I wanted to see next week around, but I don't know why, but when I looked at it, the man disappeared. . . .

Huang Mao has brought [silence] from the very beginning. Yes, because of this silence, it is actually not easy to act, and it is easy to have no sense of existence.

There are no lines, not even many expressions.

During the robbery in the first act, Wang Chuanjun said, "You kid...

Then he walked back and I thought he was going to say, sorry, I'm a girl or something.

In the end, he just picked up the bottle of medicine on the ground.

Huangmao doesn't look like a patient at all. He doesn't wear a mask, he's not weak, he can fight very well, and he can run very well.

All his sophistication and indifference, and his almost killer reaction, was his experience.

But the director is too bad, a person is cold in the early stage, it is cool, but in the later stage you think he is cute and human, and it is he who puts down his armor.

Then the director let this person die at this time, which is simply heartbreaking.

To be honest, Wang Chuanjun's performance is very good, especially the kind of complacency with the hippie smiling face, the pain and determination before death. But I can't cry...

I feel bad for him. Struggling to survive. Especially after Wang Chuanjun's death, his wife's drama gave a lot of comments, but I just feel bad that this person is gone.

Huang Mao didn't have any lines at the beginning. He was caught and beaten. It stands to reason that if you are a pig butcher, you can fight a coward like Xu Zheng once with a knife, but if he keeps running, it may be Feel like you are doing something wrong?

After the medicine was found, he was still doing good deeds and took in some patients.

When Xu Zheng took out the photo of his hometown, his eyes like a vicious dog were quite frightening. Such a vicious dog-like human is very vigilant and independent.

So when Xu Zheng said, "You owe me, it's over, you can go, and then give him the money and medicine, there must be a kind of shyness underneath his calm surface, right?"

Huang Mao has the hair color of killing Matt and burying the love family, with beautiful contact lenses, his eyes leaking out from the ends of his hair, and his eyes are always cold.

At first glance, I thought to myself, where did the director find this passerby? Why the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks?

But why does it end up getting more and more cute?

When Wang Chuanjun died, Xu Zheng turned back through the icy crowd, and saw Huang Mao reaching the corner of the stairs, eating oranges.

He didn't say anything, he just represented it with a piece of orange, I missed him.

Wang Chuanjun said twice in the play, eat an orange, the only person who eats it is Huangmao.

If you only get to this piece of yellow hair, you are still just a murderous dog, it will not be brilliant.

Then on the pier under the sunset, Xu Zheng suddenly comforted Xu Zheng, and the barking dog bark was the same, that the sinister and intentional director had already made a malicious layout.

The so-called cruelty is to first let you see the scene from cold to warm, and then tear it apart for you to see.

Huang Mao thought about it, planned to go home, shaved his hair, and then the director was going to start killing people.

The shaved yellow hair had more expressions, and he was able to joke with Xu Zheng. Then, just when he was about to drive like a coquettish child, he saw the police.

The moment he almost ran all the way and ran in front of Xu Zheng, I even thought that the director would arrange for him to suddenly fall ill and die or something, but no, if you remember this scene, you may recall that he smiled with a smile on his face. , I didn't know whether it was tears or sweat in my eyes, looked at Xu Zheng, and said something that didn't hurt or itch.

Then tragedy happened.

Driving crookedly, provocatively raising eyebrows at the police, in the drag racing competition on the scene, and finally winning the ecstasy of rushing to the gate, the next second was hit by a big truck and smashed to pieces.

Xu Zheng rushed to the hospital to tear up Yiwei Zhou's roar, he was only 20 years old, he wanted to live, what sin did he have!

This sentence, I cried to the dead yellow hair.

When Xu Zheng saw the photo in the past and the ticket next to him, he couldn't stop sobbing. At this time, I cried, for the dead yellow hair.

Even when Xu Zheng sat in the police car and saw Wang Chuanjun and Huang Mao in the halo, the tears in my eyes were also because of you.

I don't know who this sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked actor is. I read Zhang Yu on the cast list. I'm sorry, maybe the next time I see you, I still can't remember you.

Thank you for playing such a good role and making me remember you at least in this drama.

I think I shed all my tears on you, I don't regret it, because you are worth it.

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