Tomorrow's me dating yesterday's you

Coby 2022-04-22 07:01:54

【Tomorrow's me dating yesterday's you】

2021, 11.15

ぼくはTomorrow, yesterday's きみとデートする.

In such a long life, we will always meet people at the wrong time. We are destined to not be "family", but we will not regret meeting you.

Because of "love", I insist on seeing each other once in 5 years, falling in love for 30 days, and my last side is your first side. Although I know that I can only be in love for 30 days, I will pass by, but every moment of falling in love with you will be It makes my tear ducts fragile. It takes 20 years to meet and fall in love with you. I still think it's all worth it, because we love each other, because I know you will love me too, so no matter how many times I reincarnate, I will catch up with that trip. Tram, pretend to look outside and stand where you can see me, and wait until we fall in love again.

In real life, we will also meet many people who make our hearts feel a little bit, maybe we will fall in love, maybe we will be strangers, but we are happy to meet, unfortunately we can't be together, unfortunately we are not together now, but we are lucky to meet you , Cherish the people you meet, even if you pass by, even if you are always with you, I hope that the real city will treat each other and cherish the days when you can meet.

I really hope to meet a person who cherishes me very much. If I fall in love, I will feel so good to meet and cherish every second I spend with me. I will feel lucky to meet~

After being in love for a long time, you will take the lover's good for granted. If you take the time you spend with each other as the most one day to get along with each other, will you cherish every day together and cherish the time when you are in love?

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