what is love

Cortez 2022-04-19 09:03:04

I saw that I actually hoped that the heroine, the hero, and the lovers could coexist peacefully, hahahaha, an unexpected plot. I have to say that my lover's figure is really good. A woman will be envious of her figure when she sees it, especially the episode of cheating. At that time, I thought about such a stunner, and I couldn't control it.

Of course, there is also something touching. The daughter asked her father, "You can go out and have fun, don't get depressed. My father said that he didn't want to go out, and there was no one waiting for me at home anymore." What is love? Is it a person who has a heart to finally turn back? Is it the person who forgives the cheating time and time again, saying that he will definitely come back to me in the end. Guilt from a man will give me what I want. You will find such feelings particularly boring, from the current point of view.

No judgment, after all, both sides cheated. There is a common idea in the plot. After the death of the mother, the father found out that the mother had cheated too. He was very angry. He wanted to find the lover and had a fight. Also cheated many times, even if it is even, my father replied, this is not the same, I am a man. Hahahahaha, this sentence shows how many double standards of the cheating party. Only I can do this, but if I find out that you have cheated too, it will not work.

what is love? There is no answer, the ideas conveyed by the film are easy to understand, take a serious look at the person you once loved, look at her or him, they need permanent attention, I think this is the reason why people finally choose marriage, want to be with this person forever Together, the trivialities of life will smooth out the heat of love, but it will not disappear, it is in the memory, by your side. As long as you look at it, it will come back on fire.

In fact, I think the cheated party will never know that he has been cheated. Is it also a kind of happiness.

In the end, what the screenwriter thinks is too beautiful. The real cheating is definitely not peaceful coexistence. You are destined to hurt one person, or even two people. It should be two people. Once your lover finds out that you are cheating, it will be your life and death, both physically and mentally. Tired, the world is not perfect, all those who want to cheat should understand this truth before cheating.

Doing things will have consequences, it's not that you don't report it, it's just that the time has not come

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