Lei Dian keeps complaining

Eriberto 2022-04-20 09:02:41

Not in the order in which the videos appeared.

1 When I saw Deng Diwen's name at the beginning, I began to feel a sense of disobedience.

2 Quan Zhixian, what's wrong with you? Quan Zhixian, lost his mind without getting through a phone call, riding bicycles in the streets and disobeying the traffic rules, was he hit? It is important to obey the traffic rules!

3 What is the name of that Hong Kong actor? It feels familiar, but I just don't know the name... I guess I won't remember it in the future.

4 Faye Wong is really influential! Love that fickle album!

5 Quan Zhixian's life experience is a mystery from the beginning, and it is not clear to the end.

6 Jun Zhixian's Chinese is too weak.

7 The sense of time travel is too strong...

8 Is Jiang Wu's naked back a stand-in? This is the question I most want to ask.

9 Will Jiang Wu's bed scene in the director's cut DVDBD be longer? This is the next question I want to ask.

10 Uncle Wolverine's Mandarin is really not standard enough, but it's still better than Jun Zhixian's.

11 Uncle Wolverine has come to play his old line again: singing.

12 I once passed by Shanghai Middle School on a bus. It turns out that Shanghai middle school exams are so loose.

13 The demolition team seems to be very powerful! There is a smell of revenge.

14 Li Bingbing and Quan Zhixian dance hotly, but I always think they are not good-looking.

15 The whole film is a hodgepodge of various languages!

16 Uncle Wolverine is very handsome even if he is not naked and wears a suit!

17 The modern Jun Ji Hyun is the descendant of the ancient Li Bingbing... so confused!

18 In fact, I have always wanted to ask, why is Hyundai Jun Ji Hyun a stick? Obviously after everyone, why did you become Korean? Is it to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea?

19 The fan-burning plot is too old-fashioned.

20 Quan Zhixian loves Jiang Wu, Li Bingbing loves Quan Zhixian, does a Hong Kong actor not love Li Bingbing? It was probably the same in ancient times.

21 Who loves whom in modern times?

22 Li Bingbing and Quan Zhixian are too young to pretend to be tender.

23 Li Bingbing has worked hard, and he supports a movie by himself; Quan Zhixian is either lying down or in a daze.

24 Born on the same day in the same year, the same month and the same date?

25 Jun Ji Hyun disguised herself as a man and bravely entered the men's bathhouse... This should be the highlight of the whole film, why didn't you shoot it?

26 Public lockers are really useful props, but this time the screenwriter was a bit too savage.

27 Why is snowflake not snowflake but snow flower? Someone asked me a question...

28 Didn't modern Li Bingbing get up from someone's bed at first...and then? Gone?

View more about Snow Flower and the Secret Fan reviews

Extended Reading
  • Agustin 2022-03-14 14:12:31

    "The Secret Fan of Snowflakes" is like the dialogue in the film that suddenly changes to English and Chinese. This film is so strange. In fact, the production level is not low. Wang Ying's films are still very literary, but the stories are too messy and the plot is difficult to enter. Overall Contemporary is better shot than Memories. Some of the dialogues are so hard as if they were translated directly from English. The scenes in the old stories are always stingy and contrived. The soundtrack is not bad, and each stage is very contemporary. Oh, and the Wolverine

  • Ned 2022-03-15 09:01:11

    I was bored after dinner and went to see the subject matter, but the filming broke. In the middle, a few groups of people left the scene and lamented and laughed all over the courtyard~ The director wanted both connotation and foreign style. Unfortunately, in the end, only the story was hard and the photography was too deliberate. It was like MV literature and art At the end, the little freshness that both lay together finally made the audience collapsed. The performance of Miss Li Bingbing can be replaced by wood

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan quotes

  • [first lines]

    Bank CEO: People say I'm sending Sebastian and Nina to New york so neither will take my job. Hey, perhaps that's partly true. You know, like these butterflies that surround us this evening, it's a time of transformation, new beginnings.

  • Lily's Mother: Only through pain will you find peace. I wrap, I bind. But you will have the reward.