August, let's fall in love

Icie 2022-04-21 09:03:31

Why give up happiness so easily? I ask.
It was you who allowed me to leave so happily with love, and I want to say thank you.
Even for a day, oh no, even for a minute, I'm going to love you.
Coincidence doesn't matter anymore, that photo studio was the most beautiful encounter.
From now on, open the dusty love and give you that smile.
"August Photo Studio", I saw this movie when I was very young. At that time, I was not too moved except for this love that just sprouted and died, because I didn't understand the desire to survive, I didn't understand that Courage to vent when drunk. A friend mentioned this movie again last weekend, and I took it out to watch it again.
In fact, it is not the tears that make people feel moving. In fact, it is not perfect when a lover is married. I never shed tears while watching "August Photo Studio", I just feel sorry for Yongyuan, Delin, and myself.
Suddenly found that the camera is the world's greatest invention, only it can always remember the moment of happiness, the freeze frame of the picture is eternal. What if it fades? Beauty is eternal. Yong Won and his small photo studio, he used photos to commemorate his life, discuss their immature love with children, and take the perfect posthumous photo for the old man. For love, the photo with Zhiyong is the best memory, and of course...
his hearty smile is charming. Who said that a charming person must have a handsome appearance, even I was moved by Yongyuan's smile, I said to myself narcissistically, I also want a man like this, no need for a handsome appearance, as long as he can come from the heart smile at me. Is it true that Dereen was moved by such a laugh? Girls are like that.
If she hadn't met Delin, would Yongyuan still be in love with Zhiyong, even if she had left, was married, and had two children. The awkward conversation 20 years later, in fact, at that time, Yong Won still loved Zhi Yong.
Sitting by the window on the bus and letting the wind ruffle his hair, Yong Won said to himself, "Time has changed us unknowingly, and I think everything will be the past, including love." I also sat alone I passed by the window on the bus, and let the wind blow until I couldn't open my eyes, and then I didn't think about anything, just quietly blowing the wind.
Is it because people become more timid after being drunk? I only heard about it before, but I experienced it later. Yongyuan's madness after drinking, shouting "why should I stay immersed" when he beat someone, and then hugged his friend and cried bitterly. I'm not that crazy. I didn't drink much at a friend's dinner because I was uncomfortable, but I was still drunk. I didn't hit anyone, just leaned on my friend's shoulder and cried a lot and then paid tribute to my ridiculous love. In the end, he refused the company of his friends and walked back to the dormitory alone.
Taking pictures for Delin, both Yongyuan and Delin must be very happy. She wore plain clothes and light makeup that day, so she was so beautiful. How can pictures taken with love not be beautiful?
And encounters in the rain, romantic, I said. Yongyuan pulled Delin beside him, that handkerchief, that umbrella, they were in love with each other, he wouldn't say it, she wouldn't say it either.
When I was very young, I slept alone. If I was 30 years old, on a night of thunder and lightning, I walked to my parents' room like Yongyuan and slept next to my parents. I want to say, that is love, Not hypocritical. Young-won lost his temper while teaching his father to use a video recorder, and I once dropped my phone in anger while teaching my dad to text. When I suddenly watched this movie again, I realized that only people who love can do this.
In the playground, two people who love each other ride a roller coaster, eat ice cream, and joke with each other. Yongyuan waited for Delin with two oranges. There are only two, because eating with the one he loves, isn't two enough? Delin took the initiative to hold Yongyuan. Seeing this, I asked myself, why did Delin take the initiative, because she loves him more? Telling Young Won's joke to his sister one night with a big smile on her face because she misses him.
Holding the quilt and crying, I really don't want to, I really don't want to leave the person I love like this, I think everyone has cried like this, it's not cowardly.
Since then, they have never seen each other again, waiting in front of Delin's photo studio, wandering in front of the photo studio, crying in front of the mirror, until they break the glass of Yongyuan's photo studio. She doesn't know that Yongyuan is in the hospital, she only knows that he has never appeared in front of him again. Is it so difficult to see the person she loves? Yongyuan looked at the smashed glass and Delin's letter. He replied, but he never sent it.
Go to Dereen's new work area, just to meet her. Feeling Delin's back through the glass of the cafe, this is called love, no need to say hello, just look at you. And for the first time I saw sadness in Yong Won's eyes.
Adjust the lens for yourself, comb your hair, take pictures of yourself, and take pictures of yourself. The picture freezes, he smiles, and then leaves quietly.
It was no longer the hot August when we met, Delin still came to the door of the photo studio, she smiled, not because we met forever again, but because she saw the place where the photo of Zhi Yong was hung in Zeng Jin. own photos. As I said, the memory of Yong Won's love is the frame in which the photo is placed.
Finally I sighed at the end of the film and looked at the expression on Dereen's face, the kind of expression that only people in love have. So stupid, isn't it? Leaving with joy, that young love has actually died.
To say thank you, thank you Zeng Jin entered my heart.

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Christmas in August quotes

  • Jung-won: [Sitting on a rubber tire in his old school playground] When I was a kid I always sat alone in the playground after the other boys had gone. Thinking about my late mother, it struck me that we'd all disappear in the end... my father, my sister, all my best friends.

  • [last lines]

    Jung-won: [narrating] I always knew that feelings of love would fade - just like old photographs. But for you... you will always remain in my heart, as you are in my last moment. Thank you, and goodbye.