See you in five years

Jules 2022-04-23 07:01:04

As early as when "The Incredible Hulk" came out, the Easter egg let me catch a little radish head and come out to make soy sauce, and I felt the tiger's body was shocked: I'm afraid there is no big action (although I saw Iron Man in the school screening room before, Although the director played by Samuel also came out to play soy sauce, the screening room obviously did not have the patience to put Easter eggs...)! But obviously I am not as drastic as Paramount's executives. The most big move I can think of is that the Iron Man in "The Incredible Hulk 2" came out to help out (say, "The Incredible Hulk 2"...), why not? Dare to think that they have the ability and ambition to project the word avengers on the big screen recklessly,
but in the next five years, even if I dare not think about it, my mind is still alive: from "Iron Man" to "Invincible Hao" gram, then to "Iron Man 2" (The Return of the Director), then to "Thor" (The Return of the Director), and then to "Captain America" ​​(the subtitle of the First Avenger directly). . . . . . One step at a time, countless clues, Paramount heart, everyone who sweeps the streets knows it. This really flattered me and other Shengdou Xiaomin. To be honest, I know that with the growth of GDP and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, there will be someone of insight who will take over the shooting of the Avengers or Justice League one day, but I don't know that this day can actually happen when I am still alive. It happened, and it was just before the end of the world (no regrets in this life)!
So when the news of the film was released, I paid close attention, from the first trailer to the final trailer; I read the interview with Jeremy Lena's Xiaoshou at the Beijing premiere (as a man, so emotional The rich eyes and the cuteness in "Disc 4", don't blame me for saying that he suffered); on the night of the premiere, I was still worried, for fear that the box office and word of mouth would not affect the follow-up reports. Of course, the main thing is the box office. Word of mouth is really an unimportant thing these days (you don’t see Transformers, the script is written so stupidly, and the box office is still going up, and three films have been made, and it is said that 4 is being filmed. ) The next day, I read the news and found that the audience was applauded again, and I was relieved.
After doing so much work, it is nothing more than an infinite expectation for the feature film, so today, I ran to the theater without looking back. In fact, doing too much work in the past will reduce the expectation value. After all, the good plots are in the preview this year, and there is really not much left for the main film. And twenty minutes into the movie I knew: I was overthinking it. In the first few minutes without a super hero appearing, the director led the crowd to single out Loki, and Loki defeated the top 100 SHIELD general, Agent Hill (note) I was in danger of being ordered to fight with Loki and the group of racing guns, and even the super-large battle of the entire SHIELD underground base collapsed my adrenal insufficiency. Hawkeye (oh, I forgot that he is also a super hero) was brainwashed to follow that mother. The plot of Loki made me look forward to the next plot and firmly believe that Lena is a bad judgment. The head of the authorities was destroyed by the Jishen group outside, and he was severely criticized by the superiors. When he was worried about internal and external troubles, when his subordinate asked "what should we do?", the director looked at the dark clouds covering the sky and said the phrase "we get ready", I deeply regret the can of Coke I drank and decided not to go to the toilet for the next 120 minutes.
Then comes the real beginning of the story. Here I will talk about what the film does well is to let the individual obey the collective and let the collective set off the individual. Originally, the group play was the most difficult to take into account the characteristics of all the characters, but the director handled it really well, giving each hero a chance to appear alone. Just right to highlight the subtle friction and contact between heroes. Tie Nan is as cheap as always, the captain is as upright as always, and Dr. Banner is not as bookish as always. Here again we have to praise the director, because the previous Hulk movies seem to regard him as a tragic figure wandering between the handsome man and the beast, completely forgetting that he is a rich professor. There are many plots in the film to show Banner's academic skills and scientist status as a doctor, which is not easy.
The reason why the individual obeys the collective is because this is the wonderful part of the film. The Avengers is not just to see how each hero is cute and handsome, but to see how these talented people with unique skills and different personalities face each other. , how to fight in the same room, how to seek common ground while reserving differences, how to kill the enemy side by side, how to drink beer and eat chicken feet together in free time (well, the last one is personal will). The film shows the differences between heroes excellently: the polarized values ​​of the captain serving the country and the iron man's self-preservation, Thor's lofty attitude as a god leads to the estrangement between other heroes, the black widow (an interlude of director deep I got my heart, I found Sister Scarlett to play,) and Hawkeye's unknown past, Dr. Banner's distrust of official personnel because he was chased and killed by ZF all the year round, these contradictions and estrangements are limited for a limited time. The drama was further intensified, and then evolved into occasional friction and fights between heroes. The tight plot, hero's wonderful duel, collided with dazzling sparks, which made the audience such as I struggled to go to the toilet.
Internal instability naturally led to external invasion. Soon the disunited heroes were captured by the united enemy. When they were in danger, the captain and Tie Nan put aside their personal prejudices, lived and died together, and agreed to the outside world, so that the group would not be destroyed. But at this time, the heroes were torn apart, and the base was full of grief. The heroes who were left behind finally began to seriously think about what they should do as a group in the face of the endgame. Let me talk about it separately here. Throughout the "Avengers", the plot is ups and downs. Although it is not suspenseful, it is very smooth. It is like a good song we have heard, and we will listen to it again after a long time. A sense of comfort came to mind. Unlike "Transformers", in terms of plot, it is like a bad song that we have heard. After a long time, if you listen to it again, you will regret why you have to listen to it again.
The last 30 minutes was the most expensive and hottest battle between good and evil in the whole film. Thousands of troops VS six-man squad, evil monsters marched under the city, all heroes were on guard, and the last tranquility before the storm brought a strong psychological shock, And I also took the time to go to the toilet in the only two-minute bland plot before the whole film - Black Widow and Yingyan, oh no, the part of Hawkeye talking about life and ideals, which was originally an adrenaline-packed blockbuster is rare. The tenderness is like water, but the conversation between the two girlfriends really can't arouse my love for Lily.
Back to the topic, if the first 30 minutes is worth the ticket price, then the last 30 minutes can be said to have earned ten more tickets. Looking at the million-strong enemy that is enough to cover the sky, six battle-hardened heroes, six comrades who share life and death, stand with their backs, and hand over the enemy behind to the teammates who once turned against each other and are now dead, at that moment, I vaguely heard When it comes to the slogan in the comics when the Avengers go to war, that slogan makes countless powerful enemies stunned, and makes all jumping Liang Xiaoxiao understand that there is an invincible team here:
"Avengers, assemble!!!!!!"
Here is the ultimate enjoyment of group play + action play: Captain America commanded Ruoding, and the veteran who once fought Hitler finally found his battlefield again; Iron Man shuttled through the enemy line, stood firm, and fought with giant monsters , the iron warrior who fought endlessly replaced the cynical playboy; the black widow was like a butterfly in flowers, she came and went freely in the chaotic army, her beautiful and enchanting figure and vigorous and fierce skills made the enemy and me shudder; Thor flew to the empire At the top of the building, the thunder of the nine heavens was triggered to control the enemy formation. The son of Odin put down his pride and identity, and went to the battlefield with his comrades who were mortals. The demeanor and let me once again confirm the fact that he is indeed a subject (I want to ridicule him a few words...); and the biggest highlight of this fight is the Invincible Hulk, which can be said to be the best. Able to kill the enemy, Wen Neng complained about Loki's ability to defeat a thousand troops, and even a little girl next to me screamed that she really wanted to see the Hulk but didn't expect the Hulk to be so cute. Here, I can't help but say that this girl might be a little disappointed if she reads Hulk's biography with this idea in mind, because whether it's Director Li's version of angry youth or Brother Nuo's version of Wen Qing, there is no such thing as a The revenge version of the cute point.
In the end, the group of heroes (plus two beauties) survived nine deaths, and they won an unexpected and thrilling victory. After suffering, the justice finally defeated the evil. Although the Avengers have suffered repeated defeats and disasters in the comics (and recently fought with the X-Men), as the first shot of the movie, it always has to be a good luck.
The ending is my personal favorite part. The heroes in civilian clothes (plus two US dollars) twisted Loki to the God Realm for justice (I don't know why I always felt that it couldn't be done) and then went their separate ways. This is very good, this is a group of elites with excessive personality, the iron man is still the playboy, the captain is still the patriotic soldier, they will never be able to sit in an office drinking tea and chatting about life (but they can eat meat in a barbecue restaurant and talk about the mountains~ There is this Easter egg), but, when the world faces unprecedented disasters, when they encounter a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated by a single person, the whole world will once again hear that slogan, that slogan that makes all evil spirits tremble with fear :
"The Avengers, Assemble!!!!!!"

Note: Cobie Smulders, who plays Agent Hill, is Aunt Robin in "How I Met Your Mother", which I really like. Throughout the whole film, Agent Hill's performance is remarkable. It is very exciting to fight with Yingyan (wrong again, Hawkeye) and Rocky's racing guns. His athletic skills are not as good as the Black Widow played by Goddess Scarlett, congratulations Aunt robin hits the big screen first! !

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Extended Reading

The Avengers quotes

  • Thor: You speak of control, yet you court chaos.

    Bruce Banner: It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.

    Nick Fury: You need to step away.

    Tony Stark: Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?

    Steve Rogers: You know damn well why! Back off!

    Tony Stark: Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me.

  • Nick Fury: Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his...

    Bruce Banner: Back where? You rented my room.

    Nick Fury: The cell was built...

    Bruce Banner: In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!... I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!

    [Banner slowly gets upset as he looks at Romanoff, who gets unnerved]

    Bruce Banner: You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?

    [Black Widow and Nick Fury have their hands down to grab their guns]

    Steve Rogers: Doctor Banner... put down the scepter.

    [Banner looks down and is shocked to see he's holding Loki's scepter; the computer beeps]

    Tony Stark: Got it.

    [Banner puts down the scepter and heads to the computer]

    Bruce Banner: Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all.